long way round (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
I want to use EWan Mc gregor adn Charley Boorman's Long Way Round jouney, specially the part inMongolia and along the road of bones in Russia. Thre is so much - Stalin and the building of the road with 20 million dead bodies of political prisoners, conquering fears, not giving up, Charley injuring himself, mother nature stepping in and saying "nah!" you anin't going to get across the rivers, potential loss of life, working as a team with russian lorry drivers despite language barriers, people are all the same itd just the times we live in as opposed to the places - ie if we lived in Russia or Mongolia we'd be the same as they are, environmental protection of species (bears) and the Russian truck drivers need to make extra money form the bear's furs and gallbladder, how small the world really is. etc
There's just too much for me to work out what to focus on. Any ideas?

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