Me reading up on 2nd pref. B sci/ BA ...*confuddledness* (1 Viewer)


UNSW here I come... late
Dec 18, 2004
Sydney, Australia
((A student may proceed concurrently to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science (Advanced) or Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) within the BSc/BA course.))

Q. 1Would I be correct in taking this statement to mean that should I choose, towards the end of semester 1 that I did not enjoy my art subjects that I could drop arts entirely and focus on science, and end up with a B science at the end of 3 years ? (and also vice versa)

Q. provided that I met all the requirements to transfer to B. med sci (which I understand to be a 65% ave + first year studies in pretty much the same subs as a med sci student - math/phys/chem) could I transfer from BSc/BA into B med sci ?

--> OR are my only options for transfer from this degree into the Adv math or Adv sci streams of B sci ?

ATM i just really hope that the cut off scores from last year don't jump more than 0.8 points ... unlikely I know .. but can't a girl dream ? :'(


P vs NP
Aug 11, 2004
I'm not exactly sure about it but here's what I believe is true.

If you're doing BSc/BA, you can drop to just a BSc after first year if you don't feel like doing BA, and you should be able to complete the BSc in 3 years. However the opposite is probably not true, since you'll be doing science subjects with electives filled with arts, so you probably don't have enough arts subjects in first year to allow you to finish BA in 3 years.

From memory BMedSc is a separate course to BSc, any transfer to BMedSc would have to pass through UAC (can't remember, just handed my transfer sheet in, don't recall BSc to BMedSc option). Your transfer from BSc/BA to BSc is entirely internal. You could certainly transfer into BMedSc, but it will just be more messy.

Might want to get a second opinion on this.

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