the name's Anne!
I know I said I'de post thousands of photos on MACQ general from my trip but there is not photo in the world that can begin to answer the question everyone seems to ask me back at home which is "How is Mexico?" There are no words, no photos that can tell you how amazing it is.
The past seven weeks have been crazy, the randomness of New Years Eve, Christmas, Tonala, Monterrey, Tlaquepaque, the wedding... all these memories and experiences and people come to mind so fast before I can even type them up.
I saw a friend off today which is why I'm in this certain mood. I can't even begin to describe the experiences we had here in Mexico but I thought I would share this email I wrote to some people back at home.
I just have to say that going overseas on exchange is probably one of the best decisions of my life.
Today I saw off one of the best friends I've ever had, who I know I'll keep in touch with forever. We met my 1st day in Mexico and we've done soo much together since then, she finished her journey today (2 months in mexico to learn the language) but she's going back home with so much more, i can only just imagine how she feels and I hope I feel that content when I come back home in 6.5 months time.
We for three weeks ate the same (literally lol), did laundry (well... took our laundry to the lavandaria lol), shared the same bed or room, got sick together, went to school, went clubbing, went to a hundred restauraunts and bars in Guadalajara lol met so many cool people and characters on the way, you guys can probably tell through the photos that during my whole trip so far, Nicki's been a permanent fixture in all my photos. Who knew that my best friend in Mexico would be an acrobat/arielist/pre-school teacher and student?! lol who knew I'de even meet an arielist in my life, much less befriend one hehe... It's funny how two people who never should have met... just do
She's taught me so much, she's taught me to say I love you to the people that I love and to express it freely and frequently and not to take the people you love for granted. To smile with your teeth showing
, to burn both sides of the candle... we don't agree on everything but thats the best thing about our friendship. I've learnt things off her that I can't learn from a textbook or being in Australia. We come from totally different backgrounds, completely different! She's from Hollywood and lives next to Madonna - enough said! lol
Today her trip in Mexico has ended and a new chapter of mine is just beggining. I don't know why I'm writing this email.... but I thought I should, sometimes I think maybe I shouldn't have come earlier than January 1st but then I'de never would have met Nicki and experienced all the experiences we had together because of each other, for example the randomness of NYE, christmas eve, our chocolate christmas tree, Corner of the Sun, tequila, Tonala, the pool hall, the partys, the clubbing to the thousands of hours we spent just chilling out and talking over a margarita or two
.... a thousand memories are going through my head faster than i can type them.
The first seven weeks here in Mexico would have been so different without her and will be different when she's gone.
I guess what I've learnt is that everything happens for a reason, why did i choose to go to mexico early? why was mexico my first choice, why did i decide to go down that road where Nicki and I first met? Why did her sister have to be sick and go home? why was there a lot of things. The answer to this question... I've realised is that, they all happened to lead up to what your experiencing now and I wouldn't change things for the world.
Con todo mi amor
Random statement: Today I had a moment... my taxi driver on the way from the airport was speaking english to me and I was speaking spanish to him haha
Me and Nicki- I know this picture doesn't show a lot of Mexico, what it's like or anything at all related, for all you know this photo could have been taken back in Australia. If you saw the other photos I think maybe you guys would have an inkling of how this whole photo sums up everything.... it was her last day here in Mexico.
PS: To my Nicki, I'll remember and cherish every moment...I Love You and I couldn't forget you if I tried... We'll always have Mexico honey
PS: To my beautiful Bosers- I will eventually post my photos little by little on this thread.
The past seven weeks have been crazy, the randomness of New Years Eve, Christmas, Tonala, Monterrey, Tlaquepaque, the wedding... all these memories and experiences and people come to mind so fast before I can even type them up.
I saw a friend off today which is why I'm in this certain mood. I can't even begin to describe the experiences we had here in Mexico but I thought I would share this email I wrote to some people back at home.
I just have to say that going overseas on exchange is probably one of the best decisions of my life.
Today I saw off one of the best friends I've ever had, who I know I'll keep in touch with forever. We met my 1st day in Mexico and we've done soo much together since then, she finished her journey today (2 months in mexico to learn the language) but she's going back home with so much more, i can only just imagine how she feels and I hope I feel that content when I come back home in 6.5 months time.
We for three weeks ate the same (literally lol), did laundry (well... took our laundry to the lavandaria lol), shared the same bed or room, got sick together, went to school, went clubbing, went to a hundred restauraunts and bars in Guadalajara lol met so many cool people and characters on the way, you guys can probably tell through the photos that during my whole trip so far, Nicki's been a permanent fixture in all my photos. Who knew that my best friend in Mexico would be an acrobat/arielist/pre-school teacher and student?! lol who knew I'de even meet an arielist in my life, much less befriend one hehe... It's funny how two people who never should have met... just do
She's taught me so much, she's taught me to say I love you to the people that I love and to express it freely and frequently and not to take the people you love for granted. To smile with your teeth showing
Today her trip in Mexico has ended and a new chapter of mine is just beggining. I don't know why I'm writing this email.... but I thought I should, sometimes I think maybe I shouldn't have come earlier than January 1st but then I'de never would have met Nicki and experienced all the experiences we had together because of each other, for example the randomness of NYE, christmas eve, our chocolate christmas tree, Corner of the Sun, tequila, Tonala, the pool hall, the partys, the clubbing to the thousands of hours we spent just chilling out and talking over a margarita or two
The first seven weeks here in Mexico would have been so different without her and will be different when she's gone.
I guess what I've learnt is that everything happens for a reason, why did i choose to go to mexico early? why was mexico my first choice, why did i decide to go down that road where Nicki and I first met? Why did her sister have to be sick and go home? why was there a lot of things. The answer to this question... I've realised is that, they all happened to lead up to what your experiencing now and I wouldn't change things for the world.
Con todo mi amor
Random statement: Today I had a moment... my taxi driver on the way from the airport was speaking english to me and I was speaking spanish to him haha

Me and Nicki- I know this picture doesn't show a lot of Mexico, what it's like or anything at all related, for all you know this photo could have been taken back in Australia. If you saw the other photos I think maybe you guys would have an inkling of how this whole photo sums up everything.... it was her last day here in Mexico.
PS: To my Nicki, I'll remember and cherish every moment...I Love You and I couldn't forget you if I tried... We'll always have Mexico honey
PS: To my beautiful Bosers- I will eventually post my photos little by little on this thread.
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