actually better, i cant remember where but somewhere on this site they tell you how much the mean mark was scaled, and the percentile e.t.c... Errr you mite wanna try hitting up board of studies, cause thats where our careers teacher printed of the scaling sheet with each subject. really useful cause then you can work out an aggregate and thus ur uai. But yer take everything with a pinch of salt, cause assessments are a big component.
But year bottom line; Modern scales better than Ancient. Dont wanna be prejudice, but alot of experienced teachers at my school and that i have come across have said that you will find alot of modern history canditire students being of extension english e.t.c. Alot higher english skills needed, more analytical thinking. But dont get me wrong ancient is still a good subject. I personally believe modern is harder, thus scaling and the facts illustrate such a perspective