I probably did the worst thing I could of. I've dropped Mathematics and now I'm stuck with 10 units, which are:
- Advanced English (75) 22/64
- English Extension (78) 10/18
- SOR1 (70*) 24/92
- Geography (72*) 10/28
- Music (76) 6/13
- Economics (72) 3/7
*Overall internal mark with weighting taken into account
As you can see my music mark isn't that amazing, and what really scares me is the fact it scales down. I'm a pretty average student, but i'm aiming to get at least mid 80's for everything. I know I can... but the music HSC is over, well the practical anyway. If I hypothetically received a mark of say... 70 for music, but everything else was 80-85, would music destroy me? I mean, AdvEnglish, EXT english and Economics all scale, and i'm depending on those subjects to balance out my musical failure. I'm just hoping to get over 80. To even HIT 80. I will be estactic!
- Advanced English (75) 22/64
- English Extension (78) 10/18
- SOR1 (70*) 24/92
- Geography (72*) 10/28
- Music (76) 6/13
- Economics (72) 3/7
*Overall internal mark with weighting taken into account
As you can see my music mark isn't that amazing, and what really scares me is the fact it scales down. I'm a pretty average student, but i'm aiming to get at least mid 80's for everything. I know I can... but the music HSC is over, well the practical anyway. If I hypothetically received a mark of say... 70 for music, but everything else was 80-85, would music destroy me? I mean, AdvEnglish, EXT english and Economics all scale, and i'm depending on those subjects to balance out my musical failure. I'm just hoping to get over 80. To even HIT 80. I will be estactic!