i did MUSC1101 (music reinvented) despite the whole recommended from music2 students cos i was probably capable of doing that anyway, and had just done grade 8 piano and grade 5 theory so...
but from what i gathered the music fundamentals class was like an intro to aural and theory and stuff (i'm not completely sure). so i'm not sure how 'babyish' it is, probably a good basics for music in session 2, where doing grade 5 theory and stuff is quite beneficial cos that's basically what you do, and then aural is all sightsinging and identifying cadences, intervals, notating melodies etc. so if you think you're fine with all that and musicology and analysing music for future years then i wouldn't bother doing the music fundamentals.
i really loved the music reinvented course cos it was all late 19th/early 20th century composers and then ethnomusicology which was really interesting and you're with all the BMus and BMusEd people. and they don't ask you what your level of music is, well they didn't ask me, but some other girl i talked to once they made her do the music fundamentals class the year before she could do music reinvented or something.
so yeah, if you're fine with aural and theory and stuff then i wouldn't worry about it- you're practical music skills have nothing to do with it in the end!