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My Complaint Against My English Faculty (1 Viewer)


BOS Male Prostitute
Sep 10, 2005
This week, I had to write an English essay on Hamlet and Ros&Guil Are Dead. and how values are the result of contextual interpretations....

It was like an open book test, and we were allowed 3 pages of notes with us to aid our work~ however, it is best to partially remember some of tbe essay beforehand as looking through notes just wastes precious tme.

The question given was the same for all of the classes doing Hamlet, and I thought I'd like a change of a testing environment and went to the other class to do my essay instead of my normal english room, which I have been getting tired of.

Now here is the problem, today, two days later after the exam, I was the pulled aside by the head English Teacher and forced to REDO the essay with a different question with no warning whatsoever - because he claims I have jeopardised the security of the assessment and claims I cheated. And hence refuses to mark my original essay.

The assessment sheet that was handed out weeks before the task had no designated room notifications, and provided no means of room protocols for students to follow.

I think that this is unjust, and even though I have attempted to rewrite my essay as best as I can, I still feel that I did not do as good as my original, partially from the stress of being accused of cheating, then instantly being given forty minutes to rewrite the essay.

I shall be seeing our school principal first, and depending on the outcome, I will consider contacting the Board Of Studies to take the matter further.

Can any people give me some advice on this, and if I was wrong on this, & why.
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May 13, 2006
My question you is - how the f**k does someone cheat in an open book exam?

That's just....bleh. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Edit: Sorry, I was pretty shocked at the stupidity of your english co-ord. Your course of action is perfect, but maybe you should talk to the english head first, or the curriculum co-ord before the principal, as he's more of a diplomat involved with the running of the business aspect of the school rather than academic.

Even if you did cheat - you can't be made to redo the task. Cheating is an immediate 0. They need proof. I'm assuming by your tone, you didn't cheat, so demand proof and inform them of BOS guidelines that cheating results in a 0 mark, not having to do an alternate task. If they persist (you have to be prepared to take the 0 if they stupidly do) then take it to the BOS. Also, when you are successful appealing to the BOS,you can have every subsequent assessment remarked if it isn't to your liking :D (jks bout the last part)

Hope I helped.
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Aug 12, 2004
Fight it for as long as you can. Take the school down with you if need be.
That is so unfair
They can't penalise you for changing rooms, and if the assessment was being held at the same time then nothing is jeapordised! And how can you cheat in open book? thats so stupid.
Fight the power!! FIGHT!
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Nov 11, 2005
You got permission to change rooms right? Heh but even so, I agree with Number7 and gnat_gnat. I find it absurd that you are being treated like this and being accused of cheating in an open book test! Just gradually build up in your plan and do whatever it takes. Good luck!


May 13, 2006
Oops, I missed the part about you changed rooms.

Not to be rude, but maybe your english co-ord is just a c**t. Same as some teachers in my school. What you did, while rooms weren't specified or whatever, was wrong. You wanted a change in exam environemnt? Grow a pair buddy, it doesn't matter where you do your exam and when the HSC comes around you'll be doing it where they tellyou to do it.

Anyways, still fight. But they sort of have you in that you changed classes without permission, which isn't cheating, but it is against "standard exam procedure" which they can bring up and blow smoke and wave mirrors to provide a reason. Again, bring up the "Instant 0 for cheating" and if they do give you a 0 (which they most likely will now after reading it thoroughly) you will have to appeal to the BOS and they may not even give it to you because, going from a teacher's perspective, they might think you're an upstart w*nker who doesn't play by the rules.

Again, what you did wasn't inherently wrong, just stupid. Realise from teacher's perspectives they just think you're trying to "fight the power" or something.

Hope I've helped.


London Calling
Dec 25, 2003
Generally, I think they are being a harsh in treating you like this but as Number7 said, why the hell did you change rooms?? Change of environment???

Half of me feels sympathy for ya but the other half is just thinking "Bloody hell, for being so picky and utterly stupid as to change rooms, you deserve it!"


Number7 said:
Nice of you to censor yourself....


Appeal and go as far as you can IF your second essay was indeed a poor result. Changing rooms was a dumb move, but you can hopefully press your case. In general with these things, it's best to keep your head down...

EDIT: Good luck, I hope it goes well.
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hyparzero said:
This week, I had to write an English essay on Hamlet and Ros&Guil Are Dead. and how values are the result of contextual interpretations....

It was like an open book test, and we were allowed 3 pages of notes with us to aid our work~ however, it is best to partially remember some of tbe essay beforehand as looking through notes just wastes precious tme.

The question given was the same for all of the classes doing Hamlet, and I thought I'd like a change of a testing environment and went to the other class to do my essay instead of my normal english room, which I have been getting tired of.

Now here is the problem, today, two days later after the exam, I was the pulled aside by the head English Teacher and forced to REDO the essay with a different question with no warning whatsoever - because he claims I have jeopardised the security of the assessment and claims I cheated. And hence refuses to mark my original essay.

The assessment sheet that was handed out weeks before the task had no designated room notifications, and provided no means of room protocols for students to follow.

I think that this is unjust, and even though I have attempted to rewrite my essay as best as I can, I still feel that I did not do as good as my original, partially from the stress of being accused of cheating, then instantly being given forty minutes to rewrite the essay.

I shall be seeing our school principal first, and depending on the outcome, I will consider contacting the Board Of Studies to take the matter further.

Can any people give me some advice on this, and if I was wrong on this, & why.
I'd do exactly the same thing as your teachers.

Whether the test was open-book, closed-book, or getting you to run around in circles barking, you need to be in the exact place at the exact time that they tell you.

How do you think me rocking up to a uni exam and going 'I think I'll take my exam and sit in the sun' would go down?

Not well, I'd imagine.

To be properly examined, students need to be under constant supervision. You can't be supervised if the supervisor doesn't know who you are and why you're there.

I'm assuming the classes were on at the same time? Why didn't you ask permission or just put up with your room for one exam?

samantha_s said:
You got permission to change rooms right? Heh but even so, I agree with Number7 and gnat_gnat. I find it absurd that you are being treated like this and being accused of cheating in an open book test! Just gradually build up in your plan and do whatever it takes. Good luck!
It doesn't sound like he got permission, he just decided to change because he was tired of it.

What's the open-book part got anything to do with it? He moved classes.


BOS Male Prostitute
Sep 10, 2005
PwarYuex said:
I'd do exactly the same thing as your teachers.

Whether the test was open-book, closed-book, or getting you to run around in circles barking, you need to be in the exact place at the exact time that they tell you.

How do you think me rocking up to a uni exam and going 'I think I'll take my exam and sit in the sun' would go down?

Not well, I'd imagine.

To be properly examined, students need to be under constant supervision. You can't be supervised if the supervisor doesn't know who you are and why you're there.

I'm assuming the classes were on at the same time? Why didn't you ask permission or just put up with your room for one exam?

It doesn't sound like he got permission, he just decided to change because he was tired of it.

What's the open-book part got anything to do with it? He moved classes.

1. There were two classes, both examined on the same question.

2. My class is slightly larger, in a smaller room, hence more cramped.

3. As I stated before, only instructions were "be on time"

4. How can you justify a comparison between an Uni exam, with specific designated testing facilities to my situation?! Unless there is another class in the sun doing their exams, and you have not been designated with specific room protocols.

5. Supervisors are there to supervise, they do not have to know who you are, and they know you're there to do the exam. Do you expect HSC supervisors from the board of studies to know who we are?

6. I was accused of abusing the system, and then accused of cheating.

7. I am also accused to taking advantage by honestly doing the essay task in another room - which in my opinion, undermines the integrity of the supervisor at the time.

8. Then without warning, made to redo the essay by the English Head, two days later.


May 13, 2006
littlewing69 said:
Nice of you to censor yourself....


Appeal and go as far as you can IF your second essay was indeed a poor result. Changing rooms was a dumb move, but you can hopefully press your case. In general with these things, it's best to keep your head down...

EDIT: Good luck, I hope it goes well.

Sorry if your NetNanny doesn't block it :bomb:

1. There were two classes, both examined on the same question.

2. My class is slightly larger, in a smaller room, hence more cramped.

3. As I stated before, only instructions were "be on time"

4. How can you justify a comparison between an Uni exam, with specific designated testing facilities to my situation?! Unless there is another class in the sun doing their exams, and you have not been designated with specific room protocols.

5. Supervisors are there to supervise, they do not have to know who you are, and they know you're there to do the exam. Do you expect HSC supervisors from the board of studies to know who we are?

6. I was accused of abusing the system, and then accused of cheating.

7. I am also accused to taking advantage by honestly doing the essay task in another room - which in my opinion, undermines the integrity of the supervisor at the time.

8. Then without warning, made to redo the essay by the English Head, two days later.

We're not saying you should've re-done your exam or gotten 0 or anything BUT what you did was plain stupid. It's just common sense to go to your usual class, even if there are no rooms specified. So while we don't agree with your english co-ord, it is somewhat understandable what your english teacher did. In saying that, if you fight hard enough and take it to the BOS you might get your marks back. There's no more advice we can give you really. Maybe you should try calling someone at the BOS?


Number7 said:
Sorry if your NetNanny doesn't block it :bomb:

Hahah.. nah I'm not offended, I just wonder what replacing vowels with asterisks achieves. We all know you meant fuck, so just say it...


Oct 10, 2004
Sydney, Australia
err THREE PAGES of notes? we were allowed only 200 words.

ultimately, what you did was a bit random. i wouldnt be surprised if your english faculty was a bit suspicious.


Jun 18, 2005
South of Gold Coast
Quite frankly, it was absolutely stupid of you to go "hm...I'll just change rooms, because really, it's going to make all the difference."

3. As I stated before, only instructions were "be on time"

4. How can you justify a comparison between an Uni exam, with specific designated testing facilities to my situation?! Unless there is another class in the sun doing their exams, and you have not been designated with specific room protocols.
I'm assuming you have designated rooms for lessons, and the essay was written during a time that usually would have been spent in English, in your assigned room for that period. Why move? Being 'cramped' won't adversely affect your mark or your concentration, so really, what did you get out of it? If you were to do that at my school, you'd get an automatic 0 for being absent from a task if you weren't in the right room with the teacher calling role before assessments, but it sounds like your school doesn't do that.

Honestly, you brought it on yourself. You did abuse the system. And like vanush said, it was suspicious.

Next time, try thinking.


Jan 6, 2006
lol dude.. you cant just change rooms like that ..ahahahaha. Your acting as if its not your fault dude.


Jul 1, 2005
Idiot full stop
Stop fucking whining
No person with common sense would jeopardise their assessment due to a 'cramped room'
who gives a shit do your assessment you dont have to worry about it again


Jan 6, 2006
nahian said:
Idiot full stop
Stop fucking whining
No person with common sense would jeopardise their assessment due to a 'cramped room'
who gives a shit do your assessment you dont have to worry about it again

hahaha this GUY RULES
Apr 3, 2004
Most schools specify that you must be in the correct room (even for HSC assessments). Even if not listed and a roll not called out, they will likely mark off the roll quietly while everyone is writing. If you do not appear on this roll then they assume you are absent... by the same token if they do not recognise you then maybe they just figure they've already marked you off.

And then ta-da, a paper by you appears on the stack, and they can't be sure whether you handed it in on the day or not.

Of course this may not be the exact reason you have to redo your paper, but it's probably one of the many possible reasons.

Memo for next time - take all HSC and Uni assessments VERY seriously and be totally pedantic about making sure you're in the right room (or at uni, even the right seat and have your ID card facing the right way). Don't give them ANY reason to screw you over.

hyperzero said:
Do you expect HSC supervisors from the board of studies to know who we are?
That's why there are numbers on the HSC desks and a sheet you have to send in that includes your picture and a copy of your signature - for identification purposes. If you're not in the right seat/are somewhere else without advance notice, then they're perfectly entitled to give you a zero mark because you weren't where you were supposed to be.
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