My old earth science teacher... (1 Viewer)


i'm sorry for your face.
Dec 7, 2003
somewhere better than you
I have had 2 Earth Science teachers f or year 12, our first one well, we had him for the first term of HSC year, and uhh, yeah, he knew he was leaving so he didn't really bother to do much with us, we had him for the "caring for the country" topic - yes its the last one in the syllabus, but it's his favourite so we had to do the syllabus back to front, also I've been told "he doesn't know his rocks very well" and used to ask my current E.E.S teacher to give tutorials for those kinda topics. But my god, do you know how slack he was for us? He set us an assessment that went towards our HSC, and did he mark it? No. Did he leave marking guidelines for our replacement teacher? No. Did he even tell the teacher what it was about? NO! So without the guidelines, we got marked down on stuff that our previous teacher had said, "just put this in, don't worry about it, I won't mark you down because I've told you to do it, and put these things in this order, it's technically incorrect but I like it better".......

And we also don't have any text books, because he said he couldn't find one he liked...

And yes I know the new school he is at, don't want to say it though because he might be identified, but I feel sorry for you students.

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