Meanwhile, in makematics's mind:hmmm well i get 1/4root2, although this may well be incorrect as i rushed it. i'll type it up for you if it is correct.
When you multiply by square root x you get x square root x on the numerator but you also get a x at the denominator. The denominator x cancel's the numerator x leaving you with square root x / square root 2.@Heroic Pandas
In your third line did you multiply the whole thing by the square root of x
Because then wouldn't the numerator be x (square root of x)
If that makes sense
feel free to post up ur working out, and any BoSer will check it and identify and correct mistakeslol. how did i manage to get 8 / root 2. exactly the reverse
bringing index up, means pwoer is negativeThis is going to be so hard to see:
y = x/root2x
= x(2x)^1/2
y' = (2x)^1/2 + 1/2(2x)^-1/2 . 2 . x
= root 2x + x/ root 2x
sub 4 in:
= root 8 + 4/root8
= 12/ root8
= 3root 8/2
what did i do wrong??
Try using the quotient rule. That's what I used without simplifying it, and I got sqrt(2)/8.wooopsss. but i still don't manage to get the correct answer. now it just complicates things by having
y' = 1/ root2x - x / root (2x)^3
such a complicated pathway would only provide u misery, so we must look for another way to approach this questionwooopsss. but i still don't manage to get the correct answer. now it just complicates things by having
y' = 1/ root2x - x / root (2x)^3
you will still get 1/4sqrt2 if u sub x = 4wooopsss. but i still don't manage to get the correct answer. now it just complicates things by having
y' = 1/ root2x - x / root (2x)^3 i subbing wrong?you will still get 1/4sqrt2 if u sub x = 4
For mentality A, line 3 shouldn't it be x^1+1/2? Isn't the power of 1/square root x = -1/2?such a complicated pathway would only provide u misery, so we must look for another way to approach this question
The golden rule for all differentiating or integrating question: simplify the question so that it can be easily differentiated or integrated
This is attractive function can be easily differentiated![]()