The Energy Module is exactly that, a module about Energy
The module looks at the different methods from which energy is produced, the different types of energy and the like. So, with that being said, you can pretty much guess that the module will cover things like Photosynthesis and energy production in living organisms, as well as looking at how energy is produced industrially through the use of carbon compounds. Then for these carbon compounds which are used to produce energy you'll look at how you extract such compounds from organic sources.
Then the next section is Combustion, so you'll investigate and learn about all the conditions necessary for it, and pretty much every aspect of it that contributes to the production and properties of energy.
The final part of it you look at how the rate of energy released is affected by factors such as the type of reactants. The different types of reaction types that can lead to the release of energy in other words. And pretty much the different consitions and properties and combinations of things that all affect and lead to energy loss/production throughout the module
Hope thats cleared up some stuff. I advise you go and look through the syllabus dotpoints. They should clarify some stuff further. Or go look through any of your textbooks, read the introductions that they usually have at the beginning of each module for more clarification