3.2 Part -time Employees
3.2.1 In conjunction with, or in addition to any rostered shift, a part-time employee may be offered on a voluntary basis additional hours to a maximum of 38 hours in any week, which if accepted, shall be paid at the stipulated casual rate. Provided that such additional hours shall be offered:
(a) in accordance with the relevant roster principles to a maximum of 144 hours over any 4 week cycle; and
(b) on the basis of being paid the casual loading as prescribed in subclause 3.3.7 in lieu of entitlements to Sick Leave, Annual Leave or other forms of leave other than Long Service Leave.
3.2.2 A part-time employee's normal core hours may be reduced by a maximum quantum of 20% in any anniversary year provided:
(a) the quantum may not be reduced below 40 hours in any 4 week cycle;
(b) the employee is provided with 2 weeks' notice in writing;
(c) where the employee does not agree 4 weeks' notice shall be provided in lieu of 2;
(d) where additional permanent hours become available in the store where the part-time employee worked at the time the hours were reduced, then that employee will have preference ahead of part-time employees who had no reduction in hours, casual employees, and new part-time employees, to the additional hours of work. Preference will also be given to the part-time employee whose hours had been reduced ahead of other employees when the additional hours are not permanent.
3.2.3 Annual Leave and Sick Leave entitlements for part-time employees shall be calculated on the basis of pro-rata entitlements for full-time employees. Where the number of rostered hours varies during any anniversary year (including where an employee transfers from full-time to part-time and vice versa), entitlements shall be calculated upon the average number of ordinary hours worked during the anniversary year.