Unless you 'satisfactorily complete' at least two units of english, you will not be eligible for a UAI. You will be eligible for an HSC Record of Achievement if you have satisfactorily completed at least ten other units.
"Satisfactorily completed" means that, in the principal's view, you have -
- followed the course developed by the Board; and
- applied yourself with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school; and
- achieved some or all of the course outcomes.
Your principal will give you written warnings in sufficient time to allow you to correct any problems regarding your achievement, application or completion of courses.
If your principal decides that you have not satisfactorily completed a course, you will receive no results in that course.
You have the right to appeal to the Board against your principals decision. If you choose to do so, your principal will explain the appeal mechanism to you.
Receiving a mark for a course on your Record of Achievement issued by the BOS is an indication that you have satisfactorily completed that course.