People who watch Gossip Girl!!! (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Dec 1, 2009
1) What initially drew you to begin watching Gossip Girl?
2) Is there a certain character that you are particularly drawn to?
3) Why do you feel yourself drawn to this character?
4) How do you feel about that character’s style on the program?
5) How important do you feel the costuming in Gossip Girl is?
6) Do you find yourself copying any of the costumes of the Gossip Girl characters?
7) Can you describe examples of clothing or accessories you have bought because it resembles something this character has worn?
8) Do you find that other viewers attempt to copy the style of Gossip Girl characters?
9) Which viewers would you say are most influenced by the costuming of Gossip Girl?
10) Which characters do you find are most emulate?
11) Can you identify specific stores where you can find clothing that is similar to the Gossip
Girl characters?
12) When Gossip Girl mentions specific designer have you sought out these designers?
13) Do you feel that the Gossip Girl characters have started trends since the show had begun?
14) How much do you pay attention to what the Gossip Girl actors wear outside of the show?
15) How inclined to purchase would you be if the actors from Gossip Girl endorsed certain fashion labels outside of their character?
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