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PIP: The MYSPACE IDology - 3 question survey (1 Viewer)

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New Member
May 30, 2006
Ok i need you guys to answer a few questions for me. Any help is much appreciated as im sure a good percentage of you have MYSPACE. My topic is "Manufacturing identities in a networked culture: The MYSPACE IDology"

1. Does the ability to create and manipulate profiles on MYSPACE affect the social implications to which MYSPACE is responsible?

(or more simply)

1. What implications on society does the ability to manipulate ones profile into any identity on MYSPACE have?

ie. In the United States there has been a large number of sexual assault cases in which older men pose as teenagers to lure young girls etc.

and also

2. What is your opinion of MYSPACE as a whole? ie good/bad why?

3. Do you think most people manipulate their identities to suit the expectations of society? ie portraying something they are not to gain more popularity or attention.

OK i realise its long but everyone reading this knows how hard it is to get good research so please help me out. I will gladly help you.
Thanks again.


a humble child of God
Jun 4, 2006
1. What implications on society does the ability to manipulate ones profile into any identity on MYSPACE have?

manipulating identity can create false impression on people and can be used to deceit others.

on the other hand, being able to manipulate one's identity can also give a person the confidence to show their true "self".. as they can gain d confidence in portraying their true nature just under a diffrent name thereby encouraging individuality.

2. What is your opinion of MYSPACE as a whole? ie good/bad why?

I think that its a good way of really showing the world who you are... You can hide behind the monitor if u want to shield urself from criticism.

But even if it can be used as a tool to recreate one's identity, manipulating identies doesn't just happen in myspace anyway. We all lie and wear a mask in real life to stop others from seeing through us for whatever reason we may have..

changing names - ive given out so many different names to people I don't know, but it doesn't serve the purpose of masquerading who i really am because either way my personality shows through..

lieing about age - i've done that too especially when i forget my consession card...

err, yeh..

3. Do you think most people manipulate their identities to suit the expectations of society? ie portraying something they are not to gain more popularity or attention.

I actually think that it is a space where an individual can freely show who they really are in a way..

Whilst they may be able to maninipulate their "identity" (superficial stuff like name and age) I think that individuals are more likely to feel confident in expressing their "self." (yeh.. goin back in d self and identity topic in prelims)
-I think its quite possible for one to change their identity whilst maintain their tru self..

I mean so many people are afraid to show who they really are in real life (as in face to face with the world) as they might fear rejection and are therefore subjected to conform. But if they are given the opportunity to remain "anonymous" to a certain degree then what reason would they have to fear social rejection, they might as well show who they really are in that space..

However, im guessing that would only work if you don't have immediate close friends and families in ur list since they might question you about having two personalities...

..but with regards to gaining anonymity and its relevance to less conformity i would refer to Asch's line experiment....

..i really hope this makes sense.
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Aug 22, 2006
+GMT 05:00
i would just like to let everyone know how it feels when ones myspace is deleted.
i just deleted mine 3 minutes ago.
i am very, very, very sad.
ur comments on everyone elsses page jsut VANISHES.
and you feel like u never existed.
i'm in a state of shock. 1000+ comments- GONE.
:( 280+ friends- GONE.

and they make you go thru this relaly long process...
to ensure you want to delete it.
i wish i had said no


New Member
May 30, 2006
Out of curiosity and to an extent my research why did you delete it when before you said it was addictive?
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