Ah okay, like I said, all I've got on top of HSC ones (which we all can get) is this yrs CSSA; anyway:
o ‘Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect.’ (MARK TWAIN) Use this line as the basis for a piece of imaginative writing that explores and expresses the ways of thinking of your elective. [2004 HSC]
o ‘How dare you?’ Imagine you are the composer of one of the prescribed texts. Your contemporaries have criticized you for creating characters who are in various ways unrealistic in their ambitions and aspirations. Write a reflection in your personal journal of what you were aiming to achieve in your creation of such characters. [2003 HSC]
o Develop a piece of writing from the perspective of a character from ONE of the prescribed texts, and which begins with the words: Who says your way is right?[2002 HSC]
o ‘“Ideas have legs” — and successful composers run with them.’ Consider how they do this in their texts. In your discussion, draw attention to the imaginative use of scientific, religious, philosophical and/or economic concepts in at least TWO of the prescribed texts and other related texts. [2001 HSC]
o Use this text as the starting point for an essay in which you evaluate the ways that texts explore nineteenth century ways of thinking in their representation of individuals and their social contexts. [2004 HSC] (theres a pic of a brain with wings in a cage)
o The texts in this module represent various forms of resistance to the mainstream. How does this resistance make itself heard? [2003 HSC]
o ‘Although these texts [the prescribed texts] are representations of times past, we still respond to the experience of the individual then.’ What is it about such texts that makes this response possible? [2002 HSC]
o In studying for this Elective, you will have reflected upon the nature of the relationship between the individual and society. Focusing on a character from ONE of the prescribed texts, discuss the key insights from your reflections about possible conflicts between the sense of self, self-determination and social convention. This should be written as a presentation to be given to a group of Year 12 students. [2001 HSC]
o Why do responders value the exploration of the dilemmas faced by individuals in society? [2005 CSSA]
o ‘An individual must fight to develop independence and become an agent of self-determination. Otherwise they are condemned to limply following the majority.’ Do you agree? Discuss in reference to Ways of Thinking and Individual and Society [School 1/2 yearly]
Please add on ~!!!
I lost my CSSA 2005 paper, but the creative was a heaps generic like - write a creative piece based on your elective/module