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Preparing for 4unit Major Work (1 Viewer)


Jan 25, 2007
im currently in year 11 and was contemplating taking up the extension 2 english course next year. at the moment, i am doing extension 1 for the Prelim. (and doing well enough to choose extension 2) and will remain doing extension 1 for the HSC.

i am in need of some guidance as to how you approach the extension 2 course. that said, what you should do or what you need to do in order to have an idea and be prepared for the major work. i really have nothing in terms of inspiration or passion to write about for the major work, so my query is, how does one go about coming up with an idea .. and at what stage does it become to late to do the major work if i haven't an idea for the actual text.

another question would be regarding the medium for the major work. would someone be kind enough to lay down the 411 for deciding on short story, essay, play etc. its just that without a concrete (or even a vague) idea .. its really hard to decide whether or not undertaking the extension 2 major work is even feasible.

any other tips from you dark poetic cats out there who have already undertaken extension 2 english would be greatly appreciated.



el oh vee eee ♥
May 4, 2006
:::a::: said:
im currently in year 11 and was contemplating taking up the extension 2 english course next year. at the moment, i am doing extension 1 for the Prelim. (and doing well enough to choose extension 2) and will remain doing extension 1 for the HSC.

i am in need of some guidance as to how you approach the extension 2 course. that said, what you should do or what you need to do in order to have an idea and be prepared for the major work. i really have nothing in terms of inspiration or passion to write about for the major work, so my query is, how does one go about coming up with an idea .. and at what stage does it become to late to do the major work if i haven't an idea for the actual text.

another question would be regarding the medium for the major work. would someone be kind enough to lay down the 411 for deciding on short story, essay, play etc. its just that without a concrete (or even a vague) idea .. its really hard to decide whether or not undertaking the extension 2 major work is even feasible.

any other tips from you dark poetic cats out there who have already undertaken extension 2 english would be greatly appreciated.

Three words:


Try and make sure that the idea you choose to focus your major work on is something you truly enjoy or at least have a considerable amount of interest for because otherwise it will be hard to complete your major work - and you might be switching between ideas continuously, which would just be frustrating. If you're smart enough to start early on (beginning of term 4) you won't have so much trouble towards the end.

It's a good idea, after selecting your topic - to thoroughly research your topic to grasp a good understanding of it. It'll also be a lot of help with the writing. With the choice of medium, choose the medium, which you feel both comfortable with and that you perform well in. If it's poetry, then do poetry, if it's essays - then write an essay. Consider all options before running into one set idea.

If you have trouble coming up with ideas - go somewhere, a place where you can think clearly - even if it's the toilet. Right down all the ideas you get (i once woke up in the middle of the night because an idea came to my head, and i wrote quite a lot of my story) because you can always use them later. If you happen to catch a bus or a train...listen to people's conversations and write down anything, which may help you. If you choose to do a story - your dialogue will appear natural if you use this method.

Put in as much effort as you can to your internal assessments because if you are unlucky and don't do so well with your actual major work -your internals will be your back up. Also, remember that this course can be extremely stressful, especially if you don't manage your time properly - so keep that in mind if you are not good with time and stress management.

The major work for EE2 is usually due at the same time as your trials - try to have it finished a few weeks before hand so that editing can be done properly.

Hope that helps. :)


Dec 5, 2006
:::a::: said:
im currently in year 11 and was contemplating taking up the extension 2 english course next year. at the moment, i am doing extension 1 for the Prelim. (and doing well enough to choose extension 2) and will remain doing extension 1 for the HSC.
i dont think you have to be going well at adv and ext 1 english to do ext 2. unless its like a school rule they "won't let you choose it" cus of ur marks. u need different skills to go well in EE2 than the other courses. of course, if u just suck at english i wouldn't do it. (clearly you personally don't if you're going well at ext 1 im just making the point that its a total seperate subject).

i am in need of some guidance as to how you approach the extension 2 course. that said, what you should do or what you need to do in order to have an idea and be prepared for the major work. i really have nothing in terms of inspiration or passion to write about for the major work, so my query is, how does one go about coming up with an idea .. and at what stage does it become to late to do the major work if i haven't an idea for the actual text.
i think everyone always ends up writing/producing IN PART, the "story they always wanted to write". of course, you will get influenced and inspired by things, but at the heart of most EE2'ers is that thing you always wanted to do. chances are, you will have an idea for your major work already, even if it needs heaps of developing and by the end its different, all you need is a tiny idea and the rest will come.

if you have absolutely NO clue at all as to any tiny inkling of a concept/idea/story, i wouldn't choose it. year 12 is hectic, and ee2 really needs to do itself as a course, without you having to really worry about it.

however, like i said, inspiration can come along at any time in any form. all you need is a tiny idea or passion and you can turn it into a successful major work with effort and time. don't just do it because you're good at english and you feel its "expected" - people like you bomb ee2 and it drags down their UAI. you need some passion for it.

as for when is it too late? i'd say the holidays after first term. if you don't at least have an idea there, let alone a start, i'd say you are fucked.

another question would be regarding the medium for the major work. would someone be kind enough to lay down the 411 for deciding on short story, essay, play etc. its just that without a concrete (or even a vague) idea .. its really hard to decide whether or not undertaking the extension 2 major work is even feasible.
in english, essay writing is easily my strongest style of writing. i pwn ext 1 cus i can write that sort of stuff well. however, i'm not passionate about it. i knew i didn't have the drive or focus to write a 50/50 essay. the essay might have been good, but it wouldn't have been my best because i didnt have that extra but of passion for it. i was set on poetry, until my mentor made me realise my efforts in that form were as of yet, untested and unrewarded. basically, i realised (thanks to mentors and peers) that short story was my best bet because i am passionate about story telling and i might suck as poetry. short story is also good cus you can do so much with it. remember you can also do stuff like design a website, write or perform a speech, perform poetry and produce a film. you might have a strength in one of those areas.

any other tips from you dark poetic cats out there who have already undertaken extension 2 english would be greatly appreciated.

bottom line i think for you, mate, is if you don't have at least some sort of tiny idea or concept you are passionate about, you will find EE2 to be a hassle and time consuming course rather than the delight and vastly enjoyable experience it can be if you have an idea you are focused on and passionate about. that said, you might come across one and end up pwning it.

any more questions, feel free to PM me or watever.


New Member
Dec 7, 2005
:::a::: said:
im currently in year 11 and was contemplating taking up the extension 2 english course next year. at the moment, i am doing extension 1 for the Prelim. (and doing well enough to choose extension 2) and will remain doing extension 1 for the HSC.

i am in need of some guidance as to how you approach the extension 2 course. that said, what you should do or what you need to do in order to have an idea and be prepared for the major work. i really have nothing in terms of inspiration or passion to write about for the major work, so my query is, how does one go about coming up with an idea .. and at what stage does it become to late to do the major work if i haven't an idea for the actual text.

another question would be regarding the medium for the major work. would someone be kind enough to lay down the 411 for deciding on short story, essay, play etc. its just that without a concrete (or even a vague) idea .. its really hard to decide whether or not undertaking the extension 2 major work is even feasible.

any other tips from you dark poetic cats out there who have already undertaken extension 2 english would be greatly appreciated.

True. Do not at any stage procrastinate. It'll be the death of you and your project.

Well, when I decided that I would take the course, I got to thinking of ideas straight away. You don't need to rush the ideas process. I tend to watch other people's reactions, and listen to their ideas and stories because somewhere out there is a concept that will work to your advantage. READING is vital. See what other people and authors have done. Look at what you find interesting, or unusual or enjoy, and grab a pen and paper and make a mind map of everything that could be linked to it. BUT dont fret too much because you'll start with something and no doubt about it, it will change at some stage. Your concept it never definite but a revolving process.

When it comes to medium it really does come down to what you feel comfortable in. However, if you want to expand your skills that is also a reason to choose a particular medium. I'm doing short stories because I feel comfy with it but, if I could do the course again, I would consider poetry or scripts because I wouldnt mind expanding my skills and I feel like a challenge. Look at what your strengths are because that is where you'll find less stress. Perhaps look at each mediums requirements and see what you might be interested in or might cause too many problems. You dont want to start a medium like 'video' and learn that its too much for you to handle. Also, medium is important in presentation. When you get your idea, look at what you want to do with it and see which medium would best convey your idea.

If you take the course, the best way to learn how to write is to write. Although i researched tips and learnt off authors, it was only by writing constantly did i teach myself the best way to write and i discovered my own writing style. It doesnt matter if you dont use the piece that you drafted, constantly writing is where you learn what works and what doesnt for you as a composer and your project. Trust me, my first draft is hilarious to read because it's like looking at yr7's work. Plus, you gain satisfaction knowing you have 'grown' in someway as a composer.

The only other advice that springs to mind, is only take the course because you want too. When my teacher asked why i was taking it i said: "I really dont know." I took the course because i wanted to see what i could achieve from it and what i could learn. It wasnt about showing off or pretending to be 'good' at English, it was purely on personal satisfaction.

Good Luck if you take it!


New Member
Mar 15, 2007
farrrrr i was going to write something, but since the guys above me wrote novel answers im going to keep quiet =)


Apr 25, 2007
Yay, we're on the same boat.

Ideas would usually come from your area of interest, if you are interested in that particular subject, write it, you don't really 'need' anything to have an idea, you just get it.
My method of obtaining idea is simply switching of my comp, close my door, and sit and think.

Although I have no experience in ext 2, but I plan to spend the entire term 4 planning, and start typing it on or before the end of term, for 8000 words (short stories only), i do need to spend a considerable amount of time before the screen.

In terms of medium, choose one that you think will best fit your idea, a radio script will seem reasonable for a political theme, romanticism would go well with poems....and etc.

Another note: unless you have access to the equipments yourself, then don't do anything that requires too much technology, it will just be another burden.

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