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prerequisite or not (1 Viewer)

should i stick with chemistry

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New Member
Feb 17, 2008
ive always been interested in going into medicine wheni leave school
im going to do either a
bachelor of medical science
bachelor of medical science and surgery
or a bachelor of medicine

are these the right courses to do if i was thinking oif becoming a peadiatrician(a doctor who specialises in children)

and if so do you know if i really really have to do chemistry cause its just too much its like week three and i can already feel myslef slipping behind im the only person in my class that didnt do advanced science in years 9 and ten and yeah its sucks

i know i should know all this stuff
but my careers adviser is really lousy and shes a cow as well lol

id appreciate any information you could give me on this topic. :shy:

bored of sc

Active Member
Nov 10, 2007
I think if you can't manage chemistry, don't do it. But if you believe you can, hang in there, an understanding of chemistry before you go to university to do medicine would be very helpful. I didn't vote on your poll because I believe you should NOT listen to what other people think you should do. It is difficult a decision but FOLLOW WHAT YOU THINK IS RIGHT.


Aug 14, 2005
missdilemma1991 said:
ive always been interested in going into medicine wheni leave school
im going to do either a
bachelor of medical science
bachelor of medical science and surgery
or a bachelor of medicine

are these the right courses to do if i was thinking oif becoming a peadiatrician(a doctor who specialises in children)

and if so do you know if i really really have to do chemistry cause its just too much its like week three and i can already feel myslef slipping behind im the only person in my class that didnt do advanced science in years 9 and ten and yeah its sucks

i know i should know all this stuff
but my careers adviser is really lousy and shes a cow as well lol

id appreciate any information you could give me on this topic. :shy:

In NSW no med schools have prerequisites, but chemistry/biology is reccommended by most universities but you can do a bridging course after school and you should be fine. So do the subjects that you enjoy or you think you will do well in. Please seek advice from your teachers about what you should do inregards to chem as they know you best.

Also don't forget about the UMAT exam which you must do to get into medical schools apart from JCU in Queensland. Also presuming that you get into medicine in 2010 it will take you atleast another 11 years before you can practice as a peadiatrician(atleast 5 years in med school, 1 year intern, 5 years specialisation).

Medical science doesn't really have anything to do with medicine, bachelor of medical science and surgery and bachelor of medicine(at Univeristy of Newcastle) are the samething.

FYI: The universities which offer undergrad medicine in NSW are Univeristy of Western Sydney, Univeristy of Newcaslte and the University of New South Wales. They all have no prereq and UNCLE just reccommends the study of english.

Good luck,

Also check out for more info about med: http://www.medstudentsonline.com/forums/
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