its not terrible or anything, but it definitely does have less basic and not so basic science in it, particularly compared to the old course. the main gripe that i can think of apart from inconsistent quality of clincal/communications teaching is that the faculty expects students to learn far more independently than before, but with relatively little structured direction as to how this might occur. there are quite a few good ideas behind the new course but their implentation so far is still being finetuned by student feedback - yay from the guneapig brigade i say!
Seriously though - it's nowhere near as bad as some people make it out to be. i've enjoyed it so far and i'm finally beginning to feel like i know stuff - not a lot, but an increasing amount; it just sort of sneaks in rather than being taught didactically. the course will get better as well by next year now that people are getting the gist of how to teach (and learn) in it.