New Member
I was so glad wen that question came up 
firstly 1 degree is 60NM (thank you Jules verne
basically, heres what i did :
they are 11 degrees apart so 11 x 60=660NM
660 x 1.852=1222km
Secondly 1 knot is 1nm so 15 knots is 15 nm/hour
so 660 divided by 15= 44
44 hours
and dont worry if u didnt get it its only 1 question out of the entire exam paper
and we'll never have to do it again
firstly 1 degree is 60NM (thank you Jules verne
basically, heres what i did :
they are 11 degrees apart so 11 x 60=660NM
660 x 1.852=1222km
Secondly 1 knot is 1nm so 15 knots is 15 nm/hour
so 660 divided by 15= 44
44 hours
and dont worry if u didnt get it its only 1 question out of the entire exam paper
and we'll never have to do it again