I used 17000000 but im sure if you said A = 17 million you will still get the marks as long as you sub in everything else the same way eg sub in 13 not 13000000. I dont know if you will get the makrs if you just said A = 17, maybe they will be nice
uhmm there is no difference between using 17 and 17mill for ure figures.. the end result is same + since the qstn has units as 17 million.. it should be fkn obvious lol.
The only thing that would be a problem is that 17 is not the value of A, however as stated above, this makes little difference with the rest of the question.
I think as long as you make it obvious that you A was 17 million youll be fine. I was also thinking at that time whether to use 17 or 17000000 but decided on 17000000 because i knew that would be right for sure