Question about Related Texts (1 Viewer)


Mar 13, 2006
I know this should probably be in one of the english forums but there isn't one english forum for all the levels of eng so i thought more people would see it here.

Basically, i know you're not allowed to use texts from the same module/elective as a related/supplementary text eg. say im doing coleridge for journeys, then i cant use the tempest as a related text (from same module) or brave new world (from another module and elective.) At least im pretty sure thats true.

but can you use texts from another english levels? like, could i use emma (the novel) as an english extension one text even though its a prescribed text for advanced english? does it matter if u use the film/book version?

sorry thats a bit long winded....itd be great if someone could clear this up! thanks :)


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
bally24 said:
Basically, i know you're not allowed to use texts from the same module/elective as a related/supplementary text eg. say im doing coleridge for journeys, then i cant use the tempest as a related text (from same module) or brave new world (from another module and elective.) At least im pretty sure thats true.

but can you use texts from another english levels? like, could i use emma (the novel) as an english extension one text even though its a prescribed text for advanced english? does it matter if u use the film/book version?
You can use texts from another module or course as supplementary texts however it is reccomended that you don't as you must demonstrate an analysis of the text that is wholly separate from that given in other modules which can put some strain on you. You can also as stated use material from other courses so long as your analysis is distinct from that course's analysis e.g. LOTR is analysed according to genre and conventions in Ext 1 English and you would definitely not use that for a journeys essay involving LOTR as related material, you'd use your own specific stuff - see what I'm getting at?

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