mystify said:
Hey everyone ive just got one quick question: On our enrolment day do we actually enrol in the units we want to do or do we just enrol for general purposes as students. For instance if im doing social science with a criminology major will i actually need to enrol in my criminology units on the day?
Thx in advance..
As Natstar pointed out quite correctly, you enrol in your first year units for the two semesters. If you are doing SoSc (Crim) then chances are they will make you enrol into:
Introduction to Sociology 1
Psychology 1A
Crime and Criminal Justice
Foundations of Social Policy
It is unlikely you will be able to do any other unit other than the two foundation criminology units in your first year. This is because of the level of difficulty associated with the units. However it gives you a chance to explore the social science discipline. You might be able to persuade the coordinator though to do Forensics in second semester this year.
Good luck.