Whats this controversy we have all been hearing in the news in the past few months about weather kazaa is being montored by any federal or other piracy agencies. Well think again! Yes, thats right. If you ever have used Kazaa well here is a good news for you that your IP, host name, isp, and anything you ever downloaded was saved on a log and sent to a agency that is montorig your connection, most likely your isp, in this case it was FastTrack. Now how do you believe me if that is really happening? Well we did a little experiment for outselves to check it out. I downloaded a Motion Picture (Name Removed) from Kazaa lite and then a few days later we get a e-mail from the ISP of the person who performed this test for us, saying how we broke the AUP of the ISP and that we should take matters into our hands.
The company supposibly reported it to our ISP was Universal City Studios Productions LLLP. This is a little bit of information on what they had to say to the ISP.
The company supposibly reported it to our ISP was Universal City Studios Productions LLLP. This is a little bit of information on what they had to say to the ISP.
It has come to our attention that <> Services is the service provider for the IP address listed below, from which unauthorized copying and distribution (downloading, uploading, file serving, file "swapping" or other similar activities) of Universal?s motion picture(s) listed below is taking place. We believe that the Internet access of the user engaging in this infringement is provided by <> or a downstream service provider who purchases this connectivity from <>.
Thats a little part of the e-mail that was sent to the ISP from Univsersal Studios. When we were first notified about this we were in a little bit of shock our selves too because, we always heard that Kazaa is safe and this is that.
Here is a little part of the rest of the e-mail containing the part where the persons information was stored that was sent to the ISP.
Title: << REMOVED >>
Infringement Source: FastTrack
Initial Infringement Timestamp: 18 May 2003 09:48:36 GMT
Recent Infringment Timestamp: 18 May 2003 09:48:36 GMT
Infringer Username: << REMOVED >>
Infringing Filename: << REMOVED >>
Infringing Filesize: 710539264
Infringers IP Address: << REMOVED >>
Infringers DNS Name: N/A
Infringing URL: << REMOVED >>
Well there you have it. A little bit of information on how the Kazaa story really works. We are still in the process of trying to talk to the ISP. We will let you know if we have any updates.