Robert Gray English Exposition (2 Viewers)


Aug 3, 2007
Hey i have to do an assessment for English, and its based on the poet were studying, well were doing Robert Gray. Anyways my assessment task question is, "As important as your poet's themes in his poetry, is the variety of his techniques as a writer. Do you agree?

I don't quite understand what they want us to do, im also confused about how i should set it out and start it off. If anyone can help me in any possible way. Appreciate it Thanks

bored of sc

Active Member
Nov 10, 2007
sannous1 said:
Hey i have to do an assessment for English, and its based on the poet were studying, well were doing Robert Gray. Anyways my assessment task question is, "As important as your poet's themes in his poetry, is the variety of his techniques as a writer. Do you agree?

I don't quite understand what they want us to do, im also confused about how i should set it out and start it off. If anyone can help me in any possible way. Appreciate it Thanks
Where do you stand? Do you think techniques or themes are more important? Or are they equally important?

It's easier to agree (say they are equally important) as you can form an argument like this:

Through the utilisation of a wide array of techniques Gray is able to communicate and represent a myraid of themes revelant to the human condition.

If you agree with the statment: To start off simply rewrite the quote from the question . Then for the next sentence put your spin on it (your argument that sums up where you stand in regards to the statement).

If you don't agree with the statement: Rewrite the statement so it is true with where you stand, e.g. if you think themes are more important in Gray's writing go with something like:

It is not the variety of techniques employed by Gray that is most important. It is the timeless and universal themes that are essential to the power and intrinsic value of his poetry.
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