Science Syllabus Dot Point Naming Conventions (1 Viewer)


Premium Member
Apr 19, 2006
-33.917188, 151.232890

--this applies to all the science forums--,.

In my opinion a standadised naming convention should be set up for science syllabus dot points. This makes refering to a syllabus dot point easier and with less confusion. Also I need to know what system to use for the Bored of Studies Wiki, Biki.

I will use Chemistry as an example (as it has the greatest candature), but all the science syllabuses are set out in the same way.

The first core topic is "Production of Materials".

then there is "1. Fossil fuels provide both energy and raw materials such as ethylene, for the production of other substances", as refered to in excel physics text books this is the 'big idea'. for each topic there is usually 4-6 of these. each containing dot points.

then there are two columns of dot points, "Students learn to:" and "Students:". The first one is usually theory and the second is usually practical tasks or information research. Each column contains anywhere from 1 to 10 (some may have more) dot points in the column.

I have read many dot point summarys (including text books) and they all seem to use a different method. So the first thing is in the 'big idea' (see above) section how do we name the dot points. Well i think the students learn to should be named from 1 up until the last one. but what about the "students:" column. They should go after the "students learn to:" column. But should they just start from 1 again, or should they start from the next number after the last "students learn to". also additionally i have seen a P put in front of them to discriminate them. but i don't like this as not all these dots are Practicals. So that is the first part to adress.

now, how do we adress a dot point on a more general and expanded scale. some people say well "Production of Materials" is first topic so it should start with a 1. then goes the number of the 'big idea', for "1. fossil fuels..." it is 1. then the number of the dot point. so for example the first dot point on that page should be "1.1.1". OK and from 'stanards issue 1' we can also apply it to the second column. so depending what people say it should be like the first "students:" dot point "gather and present..." should be "1.1.P1" or "1.1.9" or some may even call it "1.1.1" (i think the first is the best option but I don't like the P... what do you think?)

and when a dot point has additional points usually with a "-" a number can be added to the end. eg. the dot point "identify the following as commercially significant monomers:...", would have vinyl choride as "", and styrene as "".

another standards issue on this is the first one. although some refer to it as the first topic. it is actually the second that is why the syllabus has "9.2 Production of Materials". 9.1 is general science processing skills, first hand investigation skills, communication skills, etc. however these are taught with the other content. they are not usually taught on their own. So i think that we should refer that dot point "identify the following as commercially significant monomers:...-styrene" as "" but that has lots of dots and digits and is too long. so i don't know? . btw the first 9 indicates year 12 and 8 is prelim (yr 11). actually these are not related to years they are just what chapter the syllabus document was up to when it talks about "content" so in my opinintion the 9 and 8 should be ommited.

a thing that i though of is mention the relevant dots given your context. so if you are refering to "production of materials" call it "9.2" but if you are inside the first 'big idea' and you are just nameing the dot points in there then just call them, 1. or 2. etc.. although a preceding 2.1.1 or 2.1.2 etc.. would help make them more identidiable. but for most people who are not familiar with the syllabus thing that first 2 means the second topic, but it is actually the first 'real topic'

please reply with you thoughs. (i don't need comments such as "does it really matter, do what ever you want. no one cares.. forget the technicallities... no one will follow these standards any way.." i am already aware of that)


Feb 28, 2006
Deep trenches of burning HELL
HSC Excel Physics is good because there is a syllabus at the beginning of each topic so the author at least knows what to rant about that is relevant to the syllabus.

Then what about the caption of the contextual outline ?

Anyway -->

It hurt my eyes.

If it was worth the quality, you would use correct grammar and punctuation.
The structure degraded as I read further down.

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