Hi guys, i'm selling a bunch of text books. The prices are slightly negotiable so please email me if interested!
- Physics: Principles with application, 6th edition by GIANCOLI. RRP $162.54. Price: $90
- Chemistry & Chemical reactivity, 6th edition by kotz/triechel/weaver. RRP $186. Price: $90
- Organic Chemistry, 6th edition, Paula Bruice. RRP $150 Price: $95
- Biology, 7th edition by Campbell Reece Myers. RRP $124 Price: $75
- Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 6th edition, Mcmurry/Simanek RRP $107 Price $55
- Crime scene photography, Edward Robinson RRP $107.10 Price $55
- Photoshop CS3 for forensic professionals, George Reis, RRP 78 Price $40
- Basic Photographic materials and processes, Leslie Stroebel and Richard Zakia, 3rd edition. RRP $97.16 Price: $55
- Criminalsitics: An introduction to forensic science, 10th edition, Richard Saferstein. RRP $132 PRICE: $80
- Suspect Identities, Simon A. Cole. RRP $32 Price $18
- Crime and Justice: A guide to criminology, 3rd edition By Goldmith, Israel, Daly. RRP 76.15 Price: $40
- Behaviour and Environment by David Arness. RRP 88.65 Price $50