I looked into that NAB loan and you have to get a list of people who you will pay money to and the bank do a cheque for that third party.Ie if your buying books, you tell them you want money sent to the bookshop and they send it to them....which is really stupid.
The ANZ have a simlilar thing, but like a graduate loan..thinking about it but given my credit card scenario, i couldnt get one. And yes its not good to have a big debt once you get out of uni.Sure Nab its a 'small' loan of up to $2000 i think, but when you add intereston, its not worth it.
Just work for the 4month holidays that you get between 2nd and first semester,..whcih is far too long a break when considering that they cram everything into 13wks...and then like work 2 days a wk during semester.
Plus when you graduate, the employer will take HECS out of your pay. For my first grad pay, I got $100 out of my pay for just one week so yeah you doneed to think about that.
Also, if you cant get a job where you are living chris, then how are you going to get to uni? You can do work like around uni, they always want pple.
Or if your really desparate, you could do those clinical trials. QUT had an article about it recently how lots of students, particularly med students will be guinea pigs for drug trials coz they pay you a lot.varies from like $50 up to $600 plus...but then you are playing with drugs that you dont know anything about.....