calculate the number of 100W globes that could be on at the same time in a circuit which contains an 8A fuse.
Can someone do that for me with working out please?
I do have the answers to this question and it is as follows:
"from P=VI
therefore I=0.42A through each globe
so 8= 0.42 x number of globes
so number of globes =19"
What I don't understand is how the the "240I" bit came about.
Can someone do that for me with working out please?
I do have the answers to this question and it is as follows:
"from P=VI
therefore I=0.42A through each globe
so 8= 0.42 x number of globes
so number of globes =19"
What I don't understand is how the the "240I" bit came about.