Some "easy" questions need a prompt with (1 Viewer)


Trainee Mȯderatȯr
Oct 14, 2006
So we've done all these before, its just some I've forgotton how to do some, etc and woudl just like to see how to do one so that I can then practice with some similar ones. I'm not looking for answers, I'm looking for solutions on how to do these (with an answer at the end, etc). I might add some mroe Q's here as I find more quite simple aspects I fail to recall immediately.

Simplify 5 divide by X^2 + 2x
--- -------------
X - 2 x^2 - 4

Simplify 2m - n - m - 3n
--------- -----------
3 6

Solve simultaneously
4x - y = 9
3xy = -6

Find M in its simplest forn.
m = (√5 - √3)^2 + √60

Solvw (2X-1)(X+6) = 0

A copper sphere has a mass of 700g. Calculate the radius of the sphere given that 1cm^3 of copper has a mass of 8.95g.

Thanks for any help/tips, etc.
Mar 3, 2005
davidbarnes said:
So we've done all these before, its just some I've forgotton how to do some, etc and woudl just like to see how to do one so that I can then practice with some similar ones. I'm not looking for answers, I'm looking for solutions on how to do these (with an answer at the end, etc). I might add some mroe Q's here as I find more quite simple aspects I fail to recall immediately.

Simplify 5 divide by X^2 + 2x
--- -------------
X - 2 x^2 - 4

Simplify 2m - n - m - 3n
--------- -----------
3 6

Solve simultaneously
4x - y = 9
3xy = -6

Find M in its simplest forn.
m = (√5 - √3)^2 + √60

Solvw (2X-1)(X+6) = 0

A copper sphere has a mass of 700g. Calculate the radius of the sphere given that 1cm^3 of copper has a mass of 8.95g.

Thanks for any help/tips, etc.
first: i'm not sure what you are asking in the first equation. the second part, you put it over a common denominator. hint: multiply the first term by 2/2

second: for the simultaneous equation theres a couple of ways you can do it. you can make y the subject in one equation and then sub that into the other equation and solve for x, then use that to solve y. you can also eliminate y by making it the subject of both equations and then solve for x by equating them.

third: i'd expand it out. √60 can also be simplified to √4 * √15 or simply 2√15

fourth one: think of it this way. if a * b = 0, then either a = 0, b = 0

fifth: if it weighs 700g, then the volume is 700/8.95 m3. so using (formula of a sphere) = 700/8.95, solve for r.

hope that helps. :wave:

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