isn't it just change in kinetic energy = change in gpe, and also doesnt work done = gpe?
since W=Fs=mgh=Ep (subbing the gravity formula for g)
Work done to get it up into the orbital radius would not be 'mgh', because we can't assume g is constant for larger
r (technically it isn't constant for small
r either, but its variation is negligible for small
r, which is why we assume its constant for things like projectile motion, as it greatly simplifies calculations and produces answers that are suitable for any practical purpose).
If we (the spacecraft) start at

(Earth radius), and go to some radius of orbit

, where r > r
E, then the work done against gravity to go there is given by the following integral:
 = GmM\left(\frac{1}{r_E}-\frac{1}{2r} \right)$.$)