SRC Candidate: Justin Simon for "Ecologically Sustainable Campus" (1 Viewer)

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Jan 2, 2004
"Justin Simon & Ecologically Sustainable Campus: Planting the Seeds of Change"

As an engineer I have lately been becoming increasingly aware of the detrimental effect that my profession is having upon the environment, and I believe as future leaders of society it is up to us university students to plant the seeds of change and remove the world from its current self destructive state. The best way to do this is to start small, on a campus by campus level, and through our good example encourage the greater community to switch to environmentally sustainable practices.

It is critically important that the University of Sydney, a major consumer of both electricity and non-biodegradable products, instigates programs to purchase green power from environmentally friendly sources such as wind, solar, biomass, hydroelectric and geothermal, better recycling programs, and, where possible, introduces biodegradable packaging. Nuclear will never be a safe alternative to renewable sources of energy, and if coal consumption continues at its current rate expert analysts predict massively increased El Nino activity within the next 50 years due to global warming.

As an independent group we will not funnel your funds to any political party, nor will we spend money on campaigns which do not directly benefit you, the students. Our primary aim is the survival of the Earth and the SRC, so that our children may enjoy the same opportunities that we have enjoyed.

A vote for Ecologically Sustainable Campus is a vote for solidarity and longevity, make the right choice."

Vote [1] Ecologically Sustainable Campus for SRC
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