subject selection advice (2 Viewers)


Jan 4, 2023
heyy everyone,
Do current or old hsc students have any general advice for subject selection?Mainly on scaling, regrets,dropping subjects etc.I just want some perspective from someone other than a teacher on how to choose subjects if your aiming for a pretty high atar. Also just for some perspective does your rank value change depending on subject like is an average-mid rank in physics equivalent to like a very high rank in say modern history.
Also does going to a decently ranked selective school up your atar a point or smth?idk if this is just a myth
thank you


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2022
heyy everyone,
Do current or old hsc students have any general advice for subject selection?Mainly on scaling, regrets,dropping subjects etc.I just want some perspective from someone other than a teacher on how to choose subjects if your aiming for a pretty high atar. Also just for some perspective does your rank value change depending on subject like is an average-mid rank in physics equivalent to like a very high rank in say modern history.
Also does going to a decently ranked selective school up your atar a point or smth?idk if this is just a myth
thank you
better ranked schools doesnt directly affect your atar, it just boosts your chances of having a better cohort, which means that chances are you will not need to rank as highly in order to get a higher atar. consequently, if you are gunning for a really high atar at a lower ranked school you should aim to rank as highly as possible in order to secure your results, although you should also obviously aim for a high rank at any school if you want a high atar.

for scaling don't worry too much about it, provided that you do well in a subject you will still be able to get a high atar, even in worse scaling subjects. scaling also won't save you from a bad mark, so there's no sense in picking something like chemistry just because it's high scaling even though you're not interested/won't do well in the subject. the majority of subjects that people are interested in are decently high scaling anyway, so i wouldn't bring it into consideration heavily. pick your subjects on your interests and strengths, but do be aware of the workload, eg don't pick 3 sciences unless if you're really really ready to spend all of your time doing it because they are pretty content and concept heavy, it's good to have some variety too. your subjects don't directly affect your atar too much, so just pick whatever you think that you'll be able to succeed in and are interested in, do consider picking some extension subjects in year 11 though because it gives you some bail out units in case you don't like a particular subject and you can always drop them in year 12 / year 11 with no penalty.


May 10, 2024
trying not to od bc of hsc
heyy everyone,
Do current or old hsc students have any general advice for subject selection?Mainly on scaling, regrets,dropping subjects etc.I just want some perspective from someone other than a teacher on how to choose subjects if your aiming for a pretty high atar. Also just for some perspective does your rank value change depending on subject like is an average-mid rank in physics equivalent to like a very high rank in say modern history.
Also does going to a decently ranked selective school up your atar a point or smth?idk if this is just a myth
thank you
pick subjects that you enjoy. every person is told this and most ignore it. in most cases you will do better in subjects you enjoy being in.

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