dotpoint: the health status of Australians; groups experiencing health inequities.
-Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders (eg:lower life expectancy, higher CVD)
-Socioeconomically disadvantaged
-Aust's born o'seas
-rural dwellers
-ppl with disabilities
-older australians
To present an arguement, take the easy side:
Basically just identify that health inequities exist within Aust's pop, add some examples to bulk your answer up a bit. [examiners love examples... so im told.]
It just a basic tell us all you know about priority groups and show us that youve realised that there are inequities.
If the questions worth more than maybe 10marks u mite need more detail than that ^ but otherwise im pretty sure that it is all the question is asking for.
I hate vague questions. unless u no the syllabus inside and out its pretty unclear what they want you to write about