Suggestions Please? (1 Viewer)


Random User
Sep 16, 2004
I am now in year 11, almost year 12. I am doing ext 1 english and i am not doing well at it. But i would prefer to do this course included with 10 units altogether rather than drop this course and keep business studies with 11 units altogether since my business teacher does not like me and i dont like him either so i wouldnt trust him marking my assessments since he might mark me down a bit especially with those extended responses and i found out that im going to have him next year as well and that might cause me to do badly in business studies. I am doing alright in the 2 unit advanced english though. So is it possible for me to improve in ext 1 english and is it a good idea for me too continue on with it in year 12?


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
Hmm..I would say that you should keep it and see, because with each module you can choose from in EE1 it can get pretty diverse so you really need to try it out to see whether you like it. It shouldn't disadvantage you much either since 11 units isn't that big of a load for the HSC and it would be droppable at any time. But like I said, go for it and see - it won't hurt you, it can only help you.
EDIT: Also see this thread
Last edited:
Apr 3, 2004
Just for the record -

Students don't "choose" their electives, their teachers do :) I know kami probably means that but thought I'd say it anyway :)

I think it's also important to look at the ee1 module requirements. Eng Adv can really just be a combination of rote-learning and improved essay skills at times, whereas ee1 really forces you to think of your own accord. You don't learn how to master this sort of thing in three terms (particularly in Yr 11, which I considered boot camp. Yr 12 is so much easier!). Once you start Yr 12, you should find a lot of the preliminary stuff second nature to you - particularly in regards to conventions/techniques and how writers use them and why. *This* will make it possible for you to go that step further and start making sense of all the multi-syllable terminology.

It still took me up till a few weeks before HSC Trials to actually "get" my EE1 module - up till then I wasn't doing very well at all (this includes Yr 11). But with enough effort, everything can become clear. I think I ended up with a mark of 47/50 :)

Studying ee1 was absolutely fantastic for me in the long term. It was difficult to understand at first - you actually have to work for it, which turns a lot of people off - but you can learn a lot from it, and it's GREAT for essay-writing.

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