SUMS Problem Competition
This competition is open to undergraduates (including Honours students) at any Australian university or tertiary institution. Entrants may use any souce of information except other people.
Prizes ($50 book vouchers from the Co-op Bookshop) will be awarded for the best correct solution to each of the 10 problems. Students from the University of Sydney are also eligible for the Norbert Quirk Prizes, based on the overall quality of their entry (one for each of 1st, 2nd and 3rd years). Extensions and generalizations of any problem are invited and are taken into account when assessing solutions. If two or more solutions to a problem are essentially equal, preference may be given to students in the earlier year of university.
Entries must be received by Friday, September 8, 2006. They may be posted to Dr Anthony Henderson, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, or delivered in person to Room 805, Carslaw Building. Please mark your entry SUMS Problem Competition 2006, and include your name, university, student number, course and year, term address and telephone number. Prizes will be awarded towards the end of the academic year.
The SUMS committee is grateful to all those who have provided problems. We are always keen to get more. Send any, with solutions, to Dr Henderson at the above address.