Have you read, The End of Equality by Anne Summers?
If not, I suggest you do. It will give you heaps of ideas.
I think that working mothers have it a lot harder than non-working mothers, because on top of taking care of children and doing house work (let's face it, although we like to think there is equality between women there definitely is not. Although in some households the father may do housework, in the majority of households, it is the mother), they have a career to worry about.
I know that my mum, who works full-time, is constantly stressed and never has any time to herself.
When I am an adult, I'm going to put my career ahead of having children. If I ever do have children, it won't be until my 30s, and even then I still may decide not to. Although society has become more accepting towards working women, I don't think it has become more accepting of working mothers.