Getting a bunch of information from various sources and coming to a conclusion, based on the bunch of information.
You basically re-write everything from say 5 places, into your own version - synthesising.
It's a refinement process.
(copying out this sheet I have)
Synthesising is putting together various elements to make a whole.
High order
Mark Range 3-10 (for the science subjects, etc)
Language Features
Written in the third person
Timless present tense is used:
a) Material/action processes - are used in evidence, eg students will study if they...
b) Relating processes - are used to connect ideas eg the responsibility of the govenment is to ensure all...
c) Mental proceses - are used to show opinions eg most people think that...
A full range of connective words are used:
a) Cosequential - to show reasoning eg because, as a result of, so that
b) Comparative - to show similarities and contrasts eg whereas, on the other hand...
c) Addictive - to include more information eg and, in addition, as well as, also, moreover...
This is used in the recommendation section eg It is probable that...
Often uses substitutions for "I" such as One would believe
It is obvious that...
Experts say...
This is used in a number of formal information texts and ensures objectivity eg The influence of the media...
Mainly technical but this depends on the audience
Use of topic sentence and supporting detail
Format....................Signal Words........................Comments
Topic sentence........On the whole
...............................In general
...............................Many, Always, Some
...............................Every, Numerous, Usually
...............................Generally speaking
Body.......................For instance.........................Supporting sentences
...............................For example.........................-About facts, statistics
...........................................................................Using signal words for adding information
Concluding Sentence...Considering......................Reformulate the topic sentence
....................................Thus, consequently..........Summarise the information