Teachers and Interpreters... HELP!!!! (1 Viewer)


Sep 27, 2003
Im struggling with this final syllabus dot point:

• compare and contrast the effects brought about by TWO pivotal individuals or schools of thought from the same period, ONE from each of the TWO religious traditions, with reference to TWO of the following areas:

– challenge to the tradition
– extent and significance of the change
– reaction and response by the religious tradition
– changes in society requiring adaptation of teachings
– continuing impact today.

From the early, foundation period we're doing Moses and Paul but these two individuals havnt really challenged tradition or changed anything, rather they established the faith. Nor can you adequately express there reaction and response by the religious tradition etc. etc. etc.

So help me. What do i do. Im having no problem with the contemporary individuals, just Paul and Moses.



Has decided to retire
Sep 14, 2003
absolution* said:
Im struggling with this final syllabus dot point:

• compare and contrast the effects brought about by TWO pivotal individuals or schools of thought from the same period, ONE from each of the TWO religious traditions, with reference to TWO of the following areas:

– challenge to the tradition
– extent and significance of the change
– reaction and response by the religious tradition
– changes in society requiring adaptation of teachings
– continuing impact today.

From the early, foundation period we're doing Moses and Paul but these two individuals havnt really challenged tradition or changed anything, rather they established the faith. Nor can you adequately express there reaction and response by the religious tradition etc. etc. etc.

So help me. What do i do. Im having no problem with the contemporary individuals, just Paul and Moses.

not that I know anything about teachers and interpreters (your 'issues' are the reason why I avoid it) but can not it be argued that Paul had/has a lasting effect on the Christian Church as it was his letters and teachings (and subsequent interpretations and teachings eg the Reformation) in the New Testament that had/have a lasting effect upon how the Christian Church/Churches operate 'today' eg in the area of homosexuality, Pauline theology is very down the line on this issue but certain churches have choosen to literally accept what Paul said or have interpreted what he said. The same could be said for the role of women in the Church, especially amongst the Sydney Anglicans (not so much the case in other Ang. groups though.....)
.: there are challenges to the tradition (at least Christianity) that have ellicited a response from society that has had both an adaption of teachings and an impact today (both on the church and society). (just to try and cover a few 'outcome areas' for you!!!)

Am I reading this right or have I just lead you on a bum steer??LOL

As I said, I dislike the biographical units for this reason...too open to interpretation and opinion!!

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