Originally posted by Snapwizard
Aerials does lolz!!
captain obvious strikes again!
it is true that the japanese have hidden their past; their schools don't teach the 'truth' of history and rather glorify their war efforts. it was interesting that it was written by a journalist from the UK, who, for decades now have oppressed the republic of ireland from northern ireland.
this article points the finger at who is evil, for crimes commited in the past. i can't really think of any country which haven't fucked over another country somehow.
and i do'nt like how he says
Didn't America turn emperor-obsessed Japan into a freedom-loving nation after the Second World War?. obviously this is true, but the japanese culture was (and, in many ways still is) always in worship of the emperor, and if thats their way of life then why change it. just because americans don't worship their president (thank god for that)..