Bored User
hi pplz wanted to get an estimate of me getting chances of 99+ and if im close what should i work on. ive put up some of my modded marks by the school as well as raw, correct me if theyre wrong or unrealistic, btw my school is around 200 usually persons 1 for a few subs get 99+.
Biology = Raw Average = 87% --> Ranking = 1/67 Modded Approx = 94%
Chemistry* = Raw Average = 87% ---> Ranking = 1/50 Modded Approx = 94%
Physics* = Raw Average =80% ---> Ranking = 1/45 Modded Approx = 94%
Maths 2u = Raw Average = 80% ---> Ranking = 6/76 Modded Approx = 92%
English Adv* = Raw Average = 82-84% ---> Ranking 3-6 Modded Approx = 89-92%
* - Subjects marked with extreme difficulty.
i also wanted to ask what would be chance of me getting a shared dux in front of someone first in adv eng, modern hist, ancient hist, ext hist, Legal Studies. is Chem/Phy/Bio regarded as high achievement?
Biology = Raw Average = 87% --> Ranking = 1/67 Modded Approx = 94%
Chemistry* = Raw Average = 87% ---> Ranking = 1/50 Modded Approx = 94%
Physics* = Raw Average =80% ---> Ranking = 1/45 Modded Approx = 94%
Maths 2u = Raw Average = 80% ---> Ranking = 6/76 Modded Approx = 92%
English Adv* = Raw Average = 82-84% ---> Ranking 3-6 Modded Approx = 89-92%
* - Subjects marked with extreme difficulty.
i also wanted to ask what would be chance of me getting a shared dux in front of someone first in adv eng, modern hist, ancient hist, ext hist, Legal Studies. is Chem/Phy/Bio regarded as high achievement?