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UNI choice What to do? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Oct 17, 2005
I'm Doing my HSC this year and i'm having issues with my choice of university to apply to, i want to go to University of Wollongong though i live in the western suburbs near ashcroft and its a long commute. I was thinking of moving out and trying to find a place, though the issue i have is with money, not exactly coming from a rich upper class the issue of money is a dear thing to me.

I have discussed this with my friends and have been given the suggestion of trying to get 5 friends together and we rent out a place under one name though the issue of not being mr popular either also plays into that.

I need help with this because UW has a materials engineering course i really want to apply to but the issue of distance is a big problem.


Dec 17, 2004
5 other people? Are you serious? I would rather live 100kms away than live in a house with 5 other people.

What is the public transport situation from your house? Check if there's any direct buses to Wollongong near you because I don't think you're going to want to catch the train from there. Unless you can drive of course, in which case the commute would probably be around an hour, maybe a bit more, but totally doable. Petrol will probably send you broke though. Carpooling _might_ be an option but I really wouldn't count on it.

If you move out will your parents be able to support you at all? I'm getting the impression that you will be pretty much on your own in that regard, but thats something you should definetely find out before making any decisions. Everyone I know that has moved out of their parent's house in the last year or so still get their parents to pay for most, if not all of the rent. If you're doing it alone, I imagine you will find it really hard to pay living expenses and tackle a degree at the same time, but I'm sure there are plenty of people that do just that on this forum. Last thing, check out the accomodation thread at the top of this forum for some good info on places you can stay and prices.


I sit here alone
Apr 6, 2005
if it is the course you really want to do, then dont let the transport factor deter you from what you want to achieve as your potential career
i really doubt that ashcroft(near liverpool i think) would have direct bus services to wollongong
your best bet is to catch a train from liverpool to the southern highlands line via east hills line to wollongong
if you have time in the holidays maybe you should go for a test run and see how long itll take to travel form your house to the UOW
shouldnt take more than 2 hrs i assume


Feb 25, 2004
DooGseY said:
5 other people? Are you serious? I would rather live 100kms away than live in a house with 5 other people.

What is the public transport situation from your house? Check if there's any direct buses to Wollongong near you because I don't think you're going to want to catch the train from there. Unless you can drive of course, in which case the commute would probably be around an hour, maybe a bit more, but totally doable. Petrol will probably send you broke though. Carpooling _might_ be an option but I really wouldn't count on it.

If you move out will your parents be able to support you at all? I'm getting the impression that you will be pretty much on your own in that regard, but thats something you should definetely find out before making any decisions. Everyone I know that has moved out of their parent's house in the last year or so still get their parents to pay for most, if not all of the rent. If you're doing it alone, I imagine you will find it really hard to pay living expenses and tackle a degree at the same time, but I'm sure there are plenty of people that do just that on this forum. Last thing, check out the accomodation thread at the top of this forum for some good info on places you can stay and prices.

if the place is big enough, 5 people is fine.....

i currently drive 40km each way to uni but next year im lookin at moving in2 the gong....

theres a few places in fairy ghetto/gwynville/balgownie (walking-short ride/drive 2 uni) that i saw which were 4-5 bedrooms for $300 a week
not bad once u split it up....

6 people would require a pretty big space and alot of rooms but i do recommend getting a big place and sharing the costs, better than 2 people in a 2-3 bedroomer i reckon,


Oct 31, 2004
somewhere you're not
azn_gangsta81 said:
if it is the course you really want to do, then dont let the transport factor deter you from what you want to achieve as your potential career
i really doubt that ashcroft(near liverpool i think) would have direct bus services to wollongong
your best bet is to catch a train from liverpool to the southern highlands line via east hills line to wollongong
if you have time in the holidays maybe you should go for a test run and see how long itll take to travel form your house to the UOW
shouldnt take more than 2 hrs i assume
Southern Highlands line is useless for getting to wollongong....the only real options (besides driving of course) are getting the train to wolli creek then to wollonong on the eastern suburbs and illawarra line, or catching a train to campbelltown then bus from campbelltown to wollongong
Nov 23, 2004
I used to live in the western suburbs before I moved to wollongong and the commute isn't that bad. If you have a car and the such then it'll prob take about an hour or maybe less to get there. campbelltown station has a bus that goes two times a day directly to the uni and another two that go straight back. That's what I did before I had my car.
Even if you don't get your parents support you might be able to get centrelink benefits. You should probably start looking into that.
Hope that helps.

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