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Viva Voce questions (1 Viewer)


Feb 12, 2006
In a place of glorious wonder
It would probably be really helpful to everyone this year and people in future years if we could compile a list of questions that we might be asked for the Viva. This way we can think about our answers before we go in.

This might already have been done- I dont know. And if it has someone might like to provide a link. :)

* Why did you choose this medium?
* What is your title and why?
* What would your harshest critic say about your MW?
* What would your biggest fan say about your MW?
* Who have you been getting feedback from and how has that helped?
* What was the best/worst piece of advice you have been given so far?
* What was the last entry in your journal and how is this relevant to your MW?
* If you had to draw a representation of your MW, what would it be?
* What are you going to do with your MW when it is finished?
* Who is your intended audience? Why will they like your MW?
* Read out/show a piece of your MW. What techniques have you used and what were you hoping to acheive?
* Do you like your MW? Why/why not?


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
Emph said:
Bah ha found the other thread...


but still post your own questions below. The more the merrier!
My mates one is like this

[FONT=&quot]Viva Voce<o></o>[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]You need draft, and also journal for the interview<o></o>>[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Interview will last about 20mins[/FONT]
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[FONT=&quot]1)[/FONT]<!--[endif]-->[FONT=&quot]What in particular inspired you to write this piece?
What is the main idea behind your work?<o></o>[/FONT]

<!--[if !supportLists]-->[FONT=&quot]2)[/FONT]<!--[endif]-->[FONT=&quot]How does this piece relate to your studies in Extension 1 English and Advanced English
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

<!--[if !supportLists]-->[FONT=&quot]3)[/FONT]<!--[endif]-->[FONT=&quot]Outline some research you have undertaken for your major work. Has this research affected your work?
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

<!--[if !supportLists]-->[FONT=&quot]4)[/FONT]<!--[endif]-->[FONT=&quot](The Teacher will read a section from your polished draft). Could you explain specifically the choices and decisions you made in this section? Hearing it again, what, if anything, would you change? Explain.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

<!--[if !supportLists]-->[FONT=&quot]5)[/FONT]<!--[endif]-->[FONT=&quot]What difficulties have you faced in developing your piece? What still needs to be done?
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

<!--[if !supportLists]-->[FONT=&quot]6)[/FONT]<!--[endif]-->[FONT=&quot]Is there anything else you would like to tell us?<o></o>[/FONT]


Mar 19, 2006
Where you least suspect me
These are the example questions from our assessment sheet (Normanhurst Boys):

1. Would you please tell us about how your ideas for your major work developed? Also outline for us some important experiences, people or ideas that have influenced your major work.

2. Has your work changed much from your initial major work proposal? How have you detailed and justified these changes in your process journal?

3. Tell us about your purpose in this major work, and your intended responders.

4. Outline why you chose this medium and form for this purpose and for the intended responders.

5. Please outline for us the methods of research and investigation you have employed. Then tell us what sources or methods have been most useful for you in developing your ideas for your major work.

6. Tell us about an earlier draft and how your work has developed from there.

7. Describe two pieces of significant stimulus material you have recorded in your journal. Explain what impact each one has had on the development of your composition.

8. What new skills have you had to develop in order to complete this work? How have you gone about acquiring these skills?

9. Have you had any difficulties in accessing information, developing skills you need, or developing your work? Could you tell us how you have dealt with these difficulties?

10. Highlight the originality of your composition for us. (EVIL QUESTION)

11. What specific areas will you investigate and work on in the immediate future?

We were also asked to read/show an excerpt from our work. We were asked to explain our selection of this particular section, as well as some of the following:

- your purpose as shown in your draft
- your justification for your choice of particular aspects of the draft, for example use of language, or images, the form, etc.
- what aspects of your extract would appeal to your intended responders
- your choice of plot, character, setting, theme, etc.


Feb 12, 2006
In a place of glorious wonder
More questions from my school...

Initial Stimulus and selection:
* Why did you choose to compose your major work?
* What stimulated your choice?

Meeting the outcomes:
*The syllabus outcome one calls for depth, insight and originality in your MW. How will you reflect these criteria?
*Describe what you have done in terms of individual investigation?

*How has your MW developed and possibly changed since the original proposal?
*What infouenced the changes and/or development?

*How has doing the MW impacted on you as an english student?
*What strengths/weaknesses have been revealed?
*What were your expectation of the extension 2 course and have they been fulfilled?


English / Law
Aug 7, 2005
I thought the viva voces were finished already? =/

Anyway these are some i have (every student was asked to hand in two questions privately to the english dept because we were going to be tested on two questions from a fellow EE2 student. luckily one of us sent a chain email around asking for eeryone's two questions and voila here we have a massive chunk of a list. its very substantial and possibly too much in-depth but if you can answer all of them then you should be more than fine :))

Extension 2 English Viva Voce Questions

1. What has inspired you before and along the way of your Major Work?
2. Discuss the difficulties you had encountered during the course of your Major Work and the steps you undertook to overcome said difficulties and it’s impact on your Major Work in progress.
3. What problems or difficulties have you encountered in the process of your Major Work and how have you dealt with them?
4. How has your research affected the outcomes of your Major Work with respect to the initial aims in composing it?
5. How does your Major Work explore or reflect the conventions of your text type?
6. What has been the most unexpected thing you have come across during the development of your Major Work?
7. Discuss how your medium has harmonised with your ideas. Why have you chosen this medium?
8. What changes to content and form have you made throughout the process of your Major Work?
9. It is said that the main protagonists of short stories are reflections and personal interpretations of the writers themselves. How true has this been in your composition of your Major Work?
10. How has the use of your journal refined the themes of your Major Work?
11. Explain 2 important skills you have developed. How did these skills affect the final product?
12. Discuss the purpose of your Major Work and how it has affected the direction of your independent investigation and its influence on your draft composition.
13. How have personal experiences attributed to the depth of your Major Work?
14. What have you gained from undertaking the construction of your Major Work?
15. What types of resources did you use as your Major Work progressed/changed?
16. What aims did you originally have when first undertaking your Major Work? How have you reached some and why not others?
17. How did different forms of research complement your understanding of your Major Work and research?
18. What steps have you taken to revise and edit your work?
19. How has your journal helped you in the composing/editing of your work?
20. How do you think your research and usage of your chosen medium would help you in the future?
21. Explain 2 difficulties/problems during composition. Who/What inspired you and how did they help you overcome these difficulties?
22. What makes a good Major Work and how have you tried to apply it to yours?
23. What are you trying to achieve in your Major Work, and how have you gone about doing this?
24. What are the links between your Major Work and the Advanced or Extension 1 course you have studied?
25. What have you found to be the most rewarding part of the course?
26. In your investigation into content/form for your Major Work, how have you dealt with the information that did not coincide with your preconceptions? And how has this contributed to a greater understanding of yourself and your Major Work?
27. What do you like most/least about your Major Work so far, and why?
28. How has feedback helped you in your composition?
29. How has feedback influenced/ help your Major Work?
30. How has you study of the Advanced or Extension 1 English course aided the creation of your Major Work?
31. Has anyone read and critically evaluated your Major Work so far? How have their opinion affected and/or inspired the process of your Major Work?
32. How has feedback received on your Major Work affected your own understanding of your Major Work's structure, language, and concept?
33. In hindsight, what are some of the things you would have changed in relation to the construction of your Major Work?
34. Describe one of your original ideas - whether that is its style/audience/plot and comment on how it was transformed by influence of your independent research?
35. Do you believe a Reflection Statement should be an ongoing process or something done at the end?
36. Outline how you concept has evolved from the beginning of the course to your first draft, and relate these changes to research you have conducted or previous works in progress.
37. Where did you get your inspiration for the plot of your Major Work?
38. What literary devices have you used to engage your audience?
39. What have been the biggest influences on the construction of your Major Work?
40. How has this course led you to a greater appreciation of the form you have chosen?
41. Discuss the relationship between your Major Work and your knowledge, understanding and skills developed in the English (Advanced and Extension) courses.
42. How has feedback, from either your teacher or friends, impacted your Major Work?
43. With reference to one piece of research, explain how it has affected the trajectory of you work.
44. Discuss an object/person/idea that has been influential in the composition of your Major Work.
45. What advice would you give someone who wants to create a creative composition?
46. How is your Major Work a product of your Advanced or Extension class?
47. How has the genre and form influenced the language used in your Major Work?
48. What is the purpose of your Major Work?
49. Has your work deviated from your original outlook? How, why and what influences have led you to do so?
50. Has your original idea changed? If so, how and why?
51. Now that you have experienced the process of composing a Major Work, how successful do you believe you have been in terms of your ongoing independent investigation, your composition of your Major Work and your reflection and analysis of your work so far? Based on this, do you think that there is anything about the Extension 2 course that should be altered or could be improved?
52. How has your use of journals helped in the development and composition of your Major Work?
53. Did you have any major changes in direction? Explain.
54. What advice would you offer to a potential EE2 student on the continual process of the log? On how one must refer to the log for creative development and document the creative process in the log.
55. In reference to your research process, talk about one piece of interesting/unique form of research you conducted. Refer to an entry in your log.
56. Discuss the work of a composer whose language style(s) and structure(s) have influenced your own in the development of your Major Work.
57. How has your writing style been influenced by taking the Extension 2 English Course?
58. Do you think research is a critical part of your composition?
59. What have you learnt in your creative struggles which will translate into a positive outcome for your future?
60. “Critical feedback is the most useful” Discuss with your Major Work and your experiences.
61. Have any changes been made to the content or form of your Major Work? If so, explain your reasons.
62. What research have you conducted into your form, and how has it helped you?
63. What are the significant problems or issues that you have encountered during the investigation and composition of your Major Work and how did you overcome these problems?
64. What was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome in the process of your Major Work and what was your solution?
65. How has your research into form influenced your Major Work?
66. How is your work related to Advanced or Extension 1 English?
67. How has metre affected the delivery of your major work? [Only for Performance Poetry people]
68. Describe the most significant obstacle so far in the progress of the work, how it was overcome or otherwise dealt with, and what effect it had on the Major Work as a whole.
69. What was your inspiration(s) for your Major Work?
70. What is the overall concept of your Major Work? What were you trying to achieve and how did you achieve it?
71. How has one of your characters or plot developed as a result of your progressive research?
72. What inspired you to write about your current concept?
73. Which writers influenced you most in the writing of your short story?


Feb 12, 2006
In a place of glorious wonder
BA HA HA HA HA that is one huge list!!!

My viva is not until week two of this term. But I thought this thread will help people next year too.


Feb 11, 2006
fuck imagine if you got asked all 73 questions in your assesment. id feel like a big idiot

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