look i'll explain:
Look at the attached picture
see that table of values?
this is how the VLOOKUP function works
Ok looking at that picture i attached the VLOOKUP always looks at the value in the first column, so that is column "A" it looks for the value that you have entered for
so in this case lets use a value that's available in column "A", the value "2" is available in column "A"
so now we have:
now table_array is what you have to assign as in in which vicinity of the table to do the lookup in.
so say you only wanted to look up a value in from A1
4 then that's what you'll put in for table_array, but in this example i'm doing we'll use the whole entire table, i.e. A1: F5, alright?
so now you hvae
basically that's the column which you want the value from based on the returned search
so say i wanted the returned value in column 4 then i'll put that in
now to range_lookup
it's either TRUE or FALSE, that's what you put in,
TRUE indicates that the value you're looking for, in this case "2" if the value doesn't exactly exisit, it looks for the closest value to it.
but for FALSE if the value "2" does not exist, then it just doesn't continue on and returns "N/A#".
ok in this example we'll use FALSE
ok.. so going through it with me...
look at the picture attached
go to column "A"
we find "2" in cell A2.
now we have said we want the whole entire table there to be covered.
and we said we want the value to be returned from column 4
so counting across the columns, column 1 = A, column 2 = B, column 3 = C, column 4 = D
ok so we know that column 4 = D
now we also know that the lookup value is "2"
so from A2 to the column 4 of that is the value "5".
i hope you're following
lets try another one
here we're looking up the value 4 in column "A" so the value "4" is in the cell A4, and we're looking up the value under the third column.
do the third column is "C"
so going down the column "C" is the value "5" as well
now using the diagram try to formulate me one of these :
and tell me the answer.