Looking for the following text books:
Subject: Foundations of management
Author: Schermerhorn, campling, poole and weisner
Title: Management: An asia-pacific perspective
Publishers: John Wiley and Sons
Subject: Marketing principals and practice
Author: Kotler, Adam, brown and armstrong
Title: Principals of marketing - 2nd edition
Publisher: Prentice hall 2003
Please call me on 0404 493 295 or email corinne.mulvena@saiteysmcmahon.com
Subject: Foundations of management
Author: Schermerhorn, campling, poole and weisner
Title: Management: An asia-pacific perspective
Publishers: John Wiley and Sons
Subject: Marketing principals and practice
Author: Kotler, Adam, brown and armstrong
Title: Principals of marketing - 2nd edition
Publisher: Prentice hall 2003
Please call me on 0404 493 295 or email corinne.mulvena@saiteysmcmahon.com