I was going throught the notes at http://hsc.csu.edu.au/chemistry/core/monitoring/chem945/945net.html#net4 and under the dot point "describe and assess the effectiveness of methods used to purify and sanitise mass water supplies" it says:
There are several methods used to purify mass water supplies. Most are variations on the following process:
flocculation and sedeimentation -> filtration -> sanitisation -> pH adjustment
but in the text book Macmillan Chemistry Pathways 2 its says the steps are aeration -> flocculation -> sedimentation -> filtration -> chlorination and microbiological tests -> flouridation
so wat im asking is which one is right, or are both of them right?
There are several methods used to purify mass water supplies. Most are variations on the following process:
flocculation and sedeimentation -> filtration -> sanitisation -> pH adjustment
but in the text book Macmillan Chemistry Pathways 2 its says the steps are aeration -> flocculation -> sedimentation -> filtration -> chlorination and microbiological tests -> flouridation
so wat im asking is which one is right, or are both of them right?