Left question 7 completely... could have sworn that I didn't waste time anywhere in that exam though...
Probably should have left question 6(a) and just done question 7 and 6(b) (if I had time) instead...
Not doing Question 7 b, d and e. Can't be bothered with differentiation with only a minute left... 7 marks gone.
Plus not doing 1 part e, induction and 6 part a(iii), and probably forgot to write in a proper sentence on question 2 part c(iii), so another 8 marks gone.
Pretty content with other questions though. I wrote a lot of details and probably wasted too much time on simple harmonic questions due to forgetting the general form...
Didn't do probability on Q6, my brain blacked out after that gay projectile motion before it, the projectile =p, 2(c)(iii), wtf? it doesn't = 0?:mad1:, 3(d)(iii) i fudged. Induction = bah. Q7 was suprisingly easy. Differentiation + a little manipulation.
I didnt get upto question 7, did everything else (bar the induction, shudder). But just reading over the Q7 (i took my paper home, to torture myself) it wasnt that bad, i wish id skipped 5 to do it....
i atttempted 78/84, though some of those attempts incude writing one line down.
Didnt try proectiles (apart from one line in i)
thought about the last circle proof, didnt write anything down.
I didn't do 20 marks worth of questions (yes I added them up afterwards). So if I didn't get any of the ones that I did wrong (which is highly unlikely), then my maximum mark is 64. That's just bullshit.
I did 71/84 questions, didnt do any of induction or projectile (how the fuck was that a projectile question anyway? It was just random algebra) and skipped circle proof. So overall pretty shitty.
missed 7 out of q7(not enough time, but thankfully c) was an easy 3 marks)
missed 4 out of q6.(projectile argh)
I think that's it, really happy with 1-5. Thank god circle geo was simple, i usually can't see it at all.