Your two sentences really don't relate to each other. If you want us to help you, maybe bother typing more than two sentences... And then it would be good to read it aloud to yourself, as to ensure it actually makes sense.
Every question in the ancient exam can have a source in it; although it's generally only for the Society questions.
Then again, I'm not sure if that answers your question... You answer the question that you studied in your topic, which you then organise around other questions that you've chosen.
For societies, if you're doing one, you answer in section 2, the source based section. If you're doing 2, you get a choice between source based and essay- you do one of each.
However, I have no idea how the 2006 on thing works. Should look into that...
It's exactly the same, although there's no alternation between source and non-source.
In 2006, they're not changing anything other than:
1. Adding Pompeii and hence removing your additional period/society,
and 2. Making the first NKE period to the end of Amenhotep II.
That's it.
The exam stays the same, except the examiners may decide to use source or non-source. The whole section will be consistently source or non-source, as has been said.