Lol nah. I'm not looking for a date. Believe it or not I already have a b/f and we are very committed(he is not a nerd though which is ironic). We have been together for about 4 yrs now and we are planning to get married too. The only reason why I am doing this is because I want other "fatnerds" (since some of you may brand them this way) a chance to be noticed instead of being laughed at or ignored.
I was always bullied since I was young, and I was always depressed. I never looked for anybody because I never thought anyone would even notice me. But there was 1 person who did and he really cared truly about me. He is the best man I would ever want. I believe he is God-sent.
You guys may not believe me but if I am single, why would I humiliate myself on BOS? I don't think any nerd would humiliate themselves like this. I just want people to realise that you may be missing out on someone who will truly care about you instead of how thin you are, how much money you have, how popular you are but love you for who you are.
It was fun doing this on BOS and I hope this has an influence to some people.
Anyway, FatNerd is off now from BOS forums. =) FatNerds could be the most beautiful and wonderful people around. And I don't call them fatnerds because I want to, I call them fatnerds because that's the only way for the world to understand who I am refering to.
yours Sincerely,