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hi jimmy, im in my subject selection period rn and i was wondering how was ur experience with eng standard if you dont mind sharing bc im having a hard time deciding between standard or adv. ive been told that im in the middle of both courses so any advice would be appreciated.

Generally speaking, it would be better to take English Advanced, although you need to remember that it is slightly more difficult than English Standard. Since your level falls between the two subjects, you may wish to take English Advanced in year 11 and see how you go.
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Based on your performance, you can make an informed decision about whether to keep English Advanced going into year 12, or drop to English Standard. :)
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Thanks for the advice, i think i might try adv honestly but i rlly appreciate the message 👍
i think the scariest dream ive ever had was the one where i got micro bangs
i had an embarrassing dream last night (think zombie apocalypse, i was learning to drive on a road spiralling around a mountain while me and this random old dude were in an active zombie situation and i was failing so hard and my seat was too far forward and he was insulting me the entire time bc we were about to die). do you ever just dream about things that would make awesome tv shows/movies?
I feel like everyone here goes to schools in syd and like i'm from a completely different planet and dont understand Sydney's schools' languages most of the time (like wth is HAST all we have is NAPLAN lol)