Recent content by Fermat

  1. F

    Economics/Commerce Dual degree

    In the BEcon you can double major in pretty much all comm majors anyway. eg. BEcon(fin,eco) and BComm(Eco,fin) If you're going to double major in economics then it really doesn't matter if you do BEcon or Bcomm. And besides, your uni degree is mostly signalling anyway.
  2. F

    Economics Major Elective Recommendations ?

    Game theory wasn't taught well but it's very interesting.
  3. F

    Economics/Commerce Dual degree

    shit soz, i thought this was the unsw forum.
  4. F

    Economics/Commerce Dual degree

    Not the same but very similar. The only main difference is you need to major in at least one of eco, fin eco or ecmt if you do the BEc. EDIT: To directly answer the OP, it really depends on what you want to do. You say you would want to major in finance as well as economics but you can double...
  5. F

    Economics/Commerce Dual degree

    BEc and Bcom are pretty much identical. Unless you're doing actuarial studies I don't think you would get any more attention.
  6. F

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Does anyone want to explain to me what provisional marks are? (in regards to math1131) EDIT: I'm doing it next sem and I plan to do 1231 in the summer but I will only have my provisional marks before the summer term starts..
  7. F

    ECON2112 Game Theory & Business Strategy

    Carlos will hunt you down.
  8. F

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Mr M Pahor, Dr T Tran ...good men?
  9. F

    Econ2102 Game Theory

    It's hard..
  10. F

    Statistics for Econometrics - ECON2215

    I'm majoring in econometrics though so it's a core subject. Have you done econ2215?
  11. F

    Statistics for Econometrics - ECON2215

    Do people usually take this subject after the two 2nd year econometrics subjects (2206 & 2207) or in first sem of second year with 2206?
  12. F

    Commerce (go8 vs the rest)

    Yeah. All else being equal, do the course with the higher cut-off.
  13. F

    Commerce (go8 vs the rest)

    It would be foolish to think that there wasn't at least a weak relationship between UAI and intelligence.
  14. F

    what proof is there that god exists?

    Ok, just because I'm finding any reason not to study for exams.. You need to understand the difference between evidence and faith. Science is based on evidence. Religion is based on faith. We may not be able to see electricity (or gravity) but there are many ways to detect, measure and observe...
  15. F

    what proof is there that god exists?

    Gravity exists. -(1) You can't see gravity -(2) Therefore god exists.